Inventory management> Periodic> Close and adjustment in currency> Recalculation

Use this form to recalculate the issue cost price of the inventory in secondary currency, based on one of the following five models:

  • FIFO (First In First Out)

  • LIFO (Last In First Out)

  • LIFO on the order date

  • Weighted average cost price

  • Weighted average cost price on the order date

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





For information about the Generaltab, see "Enter information on the General tab" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.


For information about the Batchtab, see "Prepare batch processing on the Batch tab" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.




Recalculate inventory up to

Select or modify the date through which the inventory is calculated.

Note Note

The current date is displayed by default.


Select from the following options to determine the level of detail to be posted to the general ledger:

  • Total– The value for each unique ledger account as a total figure.

  • Item group– The value for each unique item group in the general ledger.

  • Item number– The value for each unique item in the general ledger.


Enter any comments about the recalculation.

Production update

Setup of this field is ignored during inventory recalculation or closing in a secondary currency.

Update ledger

Select this check box to reflect the recalculation results in ledger accounts.

Maximum throughputs

Enter the maximum number of recalculation iterations from the inventory receipts to the inventory dispatch.

Note Note

During inventory recalculation, inventory transactions are settled, starting with the inventory receipt and ending with its dispatch. You can settle transactions for a combination of inventory dimensions using the financial inventory parameter in the Inventory dimensionsform.

Minimum throughput adjustment

Enter the minimum adjustment amount after which the recalculation iteration will be performed.

Minimum percentage of the quantity being settled

The minimum percentage of the quantity being settled.

Note Note

If the percentage ratio between issue and receipt is less than what is entered, the settlement quantity will be increased to the minimum.

Minimum settlement amount

The minimum settlement amount, when you select the weighted average model.

Note Note

If the percentage ratio between issue and receipt is less than what is entered, the settlement quantity will be increased to the minimum.

Run recalculation after closing

The parameter to perform inventory recalculation for the current date after inventory closing on a set date.

Note Note

When the parameter is activated, the inventory recalculation for the current date is performed after inventory closing on a set date.


The information displayed in this section is determined by your selections when you create a query.

See Also