Inventory management> Inquiries> Transactions> Transactions

Navigating the form

The following table provides descriptions for the controls in this form.




Amount (cur)

Inventory value for the physically updated quantity.

Fin. amount (cur.)

Inventory value for the financially updated quantity.

Adjustment (cur.)

The adjustment amounts if there will be an inventory closing or recalculation or cost price adjustment of receipts and on-hand inventory.


Shown as selected when the inventory transactions are canceled or reversed.

Open amount in sec.currency

The amount that opens in secondary currency.

Financially closed in currency

The date of the last settlement that is displayed in the field for the closed quantities and amounts in secondary currency.

Note Note

Closed quantity (Cur.) = Quantity from the transaction, and Amount to settle (Cur.) = Cost price (Cur.)

Closed quantity (cur.)

The settled quantity in secondary currency.

Settlement amount (cur.)

The settled amount in secondary currency.

Fixed receipt price value

The standard price of the transaction converted to the cost value.

Cost price cur.

The inventory transaction cost price in a secondary currency after cost price adjustments.

See Also