You can close balances for an advance holder in one of the following ways:

  • Close via cash

  • Close via bank

Closing via cash

  1. Click Accounts payable> Inquiries> Advance holders> Balanceto open the Balanceform.

  2. In the To datefield, enter the date to obtain advance holder balances.

  3. Click Balance closing, and then select Close via cash.

  4. In the Date of paymentfield, enter the date of payment.

  5. In the Amount to be transferredfield, enter the balance amount while closing.

    Note Note

    The amount indicated in the Amountfield in the Balanceform is displayed by default.

  6. Select the Automaticcheck box to create and post the slip journal automatically.

    Note Note

    If the Automaticcheck box is cleared, a journal will be created automatically, and the journal number is displayed. This journal must be posted manually.

  7. Click OKto generate the slip journal.

    Note Note

    After the slip journal is processed, either a disbursement slip (if the amount in the Amount to be transferredfield is negative) will be generated, or a reimbursement slip (if the amount in the Amount to be transferredfield is positive) will be generated for the advance holder when the balances are closed.

  8. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

Closing via bank

The procedure for closing balances through a bank is similar to closing through cash. You can set up the code for the journal and the bank on the Advance holderstab in the Accounts payable parametersform.

Note Note

In the Balanceform, you must click Balance closing, and then select Close via bankto open the Close via bankreport.

See Also