Hungarian tax law requires that companies immediately depreciate low-cost assets. You can create a value model for a low-cost asset during the acquisition. When you create an acquisition transaction for a low-cost asset value model, depreciation is generated automatically.

  1. Click General ledger> Journals> General journal> Linesto open the Journal voucherform.

  2. In the Account typefield, select Fixed assets.

  3. In the Accountfield, select the account for Pre-acquisition.

  4. Click the Fixed assetstab.

  5. In the Transaction typefield, select Pre-Acquisition.

  6. Click Validate> Validateto check the journal.

  7. Click Post> Postto post the pre-acquisition transaction.

  8. Click General ledger> Journals> General journal> Linesto open the Journal voucherform.

  9. In the Datefield, select the date of acquisition.

  10. Click Fixed assets> Acquisition proposalto open the Acquisition proposalform.

  11. Click Selectto open the Asset Proposalform.

  12. In the Fixed asset numberfield, select the number of the asset.

  13. Click OKto close the form.

  14. Click Validate> Validateto check the journal.

  15. Click Post> Postto post the journal.

See Also