Polish tax law requires that companies report specific VAT information in their VAT registers. You can use the Journal voucherform to update the VAT register information from a tax line in another journal line when one of the fields is modified.

  1. Click General ledger> Journals> General journal> Linesto open the Journal voucherform.

  2. In the Account typefield, select the account type.

  3. In the Accountfield, select an account for the selected account type.

  4. In the Debitor Creditfields, enter the debit or credit amount.

  5. In the Sales tax groupand Item sales tax groupfields, select the tax groups.

    Note Note

    Do not select any tax groups for the Ledgeraccount type. Instead, select only the sales tax code in the Sales tax codefield.

  6. On the Invoicetab, in the Invoicefield, enter the invoice number.

  7. In the Tax exempt numberfield, select the tax exempt number of the customer or vendor account.

  8. In the Document datefield, select the date of the document.

  9. In the Date of VAT registerfield, select the transaction date for VAT register period.

  10. Save the line.

    Note Note

    For more information, see "General journal lines (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.

  11. Press CTRL+ N to create the second line for the offset account with the same voucher number as the first line.

  12. In the Debitor Creditfields, enter the debit or credit amount. Save the line.

  13. Click Yesif you want to update the rest of lines with the VAT date from the first line. Otherwise, click No.

See Also