Search and Replace window


This window allows you to search script source for a specified text string and, if you wish, replace the text string with another. You can select to search all forms' scripts, a selected form's scripts, any global procedures, any global functions or a combination of these. This utility is useful if you've changed the name of a resource, such as a field or window, and need to update the references to the resource in your application's scripts.

A status report lists all occurrences of the text you searched for. If you only searched for a string, the report will list what type of script the string was found in, the script name, the line number and actual line where the string was found. If you replaced the string, the report will list the type of script the string was found in, the script name, and the number of occurrences of the string that were replaced.

Refer to the following topic for more information:


To display this window

Select an editable dictionary, then choose Search and Replace from the Scripts menu.

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