
This utility allows you to easily create a single chunk from your extracted or stand-alone application dictionary. The dictionary chunk is part of what you deliver to your customer. The auto-chunk utility automatically performs the following:

To begin creating the chunk dictionary, select an editable dictionary. The editable dictionary is the dictionary that the chunk dictionary will be created from. (This is the application dictionary for stand-alone applications or the extracted dictionary for integrating applications.) Next, choose Auto-Chunk from the Utilities menu. The Auto-Chunk window will appear.

  1. Create a new chunk dictionary.

Click the Chunk Dictionary lookup button. This displays a dialog box allowing you to name the chunk dictionary. The name will appear in the Chunk Dictionary field.

Due to a historical limitation imposed by early versions of Windows, the name of the chunk dictionary must not exceed 13 characters, including the .cnk extension. If the name exceeds 13 characters, the chunk cannot be accessed by the runtime engine and will not be unchunked.

  1. Examine the Dictionary field.

In the Dictionary field, enter the name the dictionary will have when the chunk is unchunked. The default name is the same as the name of the editable dictionary the chunk is being made from. As an example, if you’re creating a chunk from the stand-alone dictionary RESM.DIC, be sure that name appears in the Dictionary field. If you’re creating a chunk from an extracted integrating dictionary, be sure that dictionary name appears in the Dictionary field.

You can change this name if you want the dictionary created during the unchunking process to have a different name than the default name.

  1. Select a module.

This selection indicates which module the Major Version, Minor Version and Build Number information is associated with. (These are the fields below the Module field.) The setting in the Module field is used when the version numbers and build number are retrieved from the dictionary.

  1. Set the major version, minor version and build number.

The Major Version and Minor Version numbers indicate the major and minor version numbers for your application. The Build Number indicates the build of the current version of the dictionary. For instance, if this is the first build of release 1.3 of your application, enter a 1 for the major number, 3 for the minor number and 1 for the build number. The version numbers and build number can be retrieved from the dictionary using the Runtime_GetModuleInfo() function. Typically these numbers are displayed in the application’s About Box.

The values you choose for the major version and minor version are significant. If the installation folder contains a dictionary for a previous version of your product dictionary, the dictionary chunk you are creating will unchunk only if the major version and minor version numbers in the chunk match those in the existing dictionary. If the version numbers don’t match, an error indicating the issue will be written to the InstallErrors.txt file in the installation folder. The dictionary chunk won’t be deleted.

If you have multiple dictionary chunks with the same major version and minor version values, the build number is used to determine the order in which the dictionary chunks are unchunked. The chunks with lower build number values are unchunked first.

If the installation folder contains a dictionary for which the major and minor version numbers match those of the dictionary chunk, the build number will be examined. If the build number of the chunk is the same or greater than the build number of the dictionary, the chunk will be unchunked. If the build number of the chunk is lower, it will not be unchunked, and a message indicating the issue will be written to the InstallErrors.txt file in the installation folder. The dictionary chunk will be deleted.

  1. Select starting and ending scripts.

These fields specify which installation scripts (procedures) will be run when the chunk is unchunked. To specify a starting or ending script, mark the corresponding check box and then click the lookup button for the starting or ending script. A list of the procedures in the application dictionary is displayed, allowing you to select a script.

To remove the procedure selected for the starting or ending script, simply unmark the check box for the starting script or ending script.

  1. Specify the level of compression.

You can choose to compress the chunk dictionary completely, or to remove only unused blocks of space from the chunk dictionary.

Total Compression   Mark this option if you want to create the smallest version of a chunk dictionary. All script source will be removed, as well as any empty blocks of space.

Remove Unused Blocks   Mark this option if you want to remove only empty blocks of space from the chunk dictionary.

  1. Click OK to complete the process.

When you have specified all of the necessary options, click OK to begin the chunking process. If the editable dictionary doesn’t contain product information, you will be prompted to add the product information. After you’ve added the product information, click OK in the Auto-Chunk window to restart the chunking process. When the dictionary chunk is complete, the Auto-Chunk window will close.

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