//MBS Documentation Feedback Script //Last updated April 29, 2005 function EMailStream(obj) { var stream; // *****Start: Localization Section************************ //---Note to localization: Do not change and tags.--- var fbTitle_Text = 'Documentation Feedback'; var fbParagraph_Text = "If this topic wasn't helpful, please tell us why:"; var fbValue1 = "Topic contains an error"; var fbValue2 = "Topic is incomplete"; var fbValue3 = "Could not find the right topic"; var fbEnterFeedbackHere_Text = 'To add comments and send an e-mail with your feedback,'; var fbCancel_Text = 'Cancel'; // ******End: Localization Section************************* // *****(There is another localization section below.)***** stream = '
' + '
' + '

' + fbTitle_Text + '

' + '

' + fbParagraph_Text + '

' + '
' + '

<\P>' + '' + fbValue1 + '
' + '' + fbValue2 + '
' + '' + fbValue3 + '
' + '

' + '

' + fbEnterFeedbackHere_Text + ' ' + ''+ submitFeedback() + '

' + '

' + fbCancel_Text + '       

' + '
' + '
'; obj.innerHTML = stream; // Scroll to the bottom, after a delay window.setTimeout('scrollToBottom()',50); } function submitFeedback() { // *****Start: Localization Section********************** var fbTypeHere_Text = 'Please do not change the Subject line or your feedback will not be processed.\f\fMembers of the product support team do not read messages received at this address; contact your support provider if you need product support.\f\fBy offering any suggestions to Microsoft, you give Microsoft full permission to use them freely.\f\f'; var fbSubmit_Text = 'click here'; var sProduct = 'Dynamics Security Service'; var sVersion = '11.0'; // ******End: Localization Section*********************** var sRecipient = "mailto:bizdoc@microsoft.com"; var sTitle = ParseTitle(document.title); var sHTM = ParseFileName(window.location.href); var sSubject = '[' + sProduct + '] ' + '[' + sVersion + '] ' + '[' + sHTM + '] ' + '[' + sTitle + '] ' + '[' + '\' + GetRating() + \'' + '-Class]'; var sEntireMailMessage = sRecipient + '?subject=' + sSubject + '&body=' + fbTypeHere_Text + '\' + GetQuestion() + \''; var sHREF = ''+fbSubmit_Text+'' + '.'; return sHREF; } //---Parses document title.--- function ParseTitle(theTitle) { theTitle = theTitle.replace(/\"/g,"--"); theTitle = theTitle.replace(/'/g,"-"); if (theTitle == "") {theTitle = "Documentation Feedback";} if (theTitle.length > 60) {theTitle = theTitle.slice(0,57) + "...";} return theTitle; } //---Parses document filename.--- function ParseFileName(Filename) { var intPos = Filename.lastIndexOf("\\"); var intLen = Filename.length; var newFileName = Filename.substr(intPos + 1, intLen - intPos); // Look for the last forward slash, and any pound symbol var x = newFileName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1; var y = newFileName.lastIndexOf("#"); if(y == (-1)) { // There is no pound symbol (#) newFileName = newFileName.slice(x); } else { newFileName = newFileName.slice(x,y); } return(newFileName); } function GetRating() { sRating = "0"; for(var x = 0;x < 3;x++) { if(document.formRating.fbRating(x).checked) {sRating = x + 1;} } return sRating; } function GetQuestion() { var rating = GetRating(); var question; // *****Start: Localization Section********************** var fbQuestion1 = "What is the error?"; var fbQuestion2 = "What is missing?"; var fbQuestion3 = "What are you looking for?"; var fbQuestionDefault = "Type your comment here:"; // ******End: Localization Section*********************** if(rating == "1") { question = fbQuestion1; } else if(rating == "2") { question = fbQuestion2; } else if(rating == "3") { question = fbQuestion3; } else { question = fbQuestionDefault; } return question; } //---Reloads window.--- function fbReload() { window.location.reload(true); } //---Scrolls to the bottom of the window.--- function scrollToBottom() { window.scrollBy(0,20000); }