

The AddNew procedure of the syHomePage form starts the process of adding a Home Page for a user.


AddNew, HomePageState, UserID, Display, Refresh, UserRole


HomePageState – A composite parameter of the type syHomePageState that is used to maintain state information for the Home Page.

UserID – A string that specifies the user for which the new Home Page is being created.

Display – A boolean that specifies whether the Home Page will be displayed by default for the user. The value true indicates the page will be displayed, while false indicates it will not.

Refresh – A boolean that specifies whether the Home Page will be automatically refreshed at the standard one-hour interval. The value true indicates the page will be refreshed, while false indicates it will not.

UserRole – An integer that specifies the role for which the Home Page is being created. This typically corresponds to the constant value created for the new role.

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