Setting integration properties

Before running your integration, check the properties that still need to be set. You need to specify a destination edit mode, indicate the maximum number of errors and warnings, attach scripts (if using them), and select a logging level for your integration.

To set integration properties:

  1. Start Integration Manager if it is not already open.
  2. Choose File > Open Integration. Select the integration to run and click Open.

The Integration window opens.

  1. Choose Integration > <integration name> Properties.

The Properties window opens.

  1. Select a destination edit mode, which indicates how records are imported into the destination. You will not be able to specify the destination edit mode when you first create an integration. The destination edit mode only becomes available when you choose the destination for the integration. Some edit modes may not be available for some destinations. The default mode is Insert Only.

The following table describes the available edit modes.




Insert Only

Only new records can be created by the integration. Existing records can’t be updated.

Update Only

Only existing records can be updated by the integration. New records can’t be created.

Insert and Update

New records can be created and existing records can be updated by the integration.

  1. Specify the maximum number of errors.

When you run an integration, this value indicates the number of errors that can occur before the integration is automatically stopped. An error occurs when a document fails to be integrated, typically because of an invalid condition in the data. For example, if you try to integrate a Microsoft Dynamics GP receivables invoice where the total sales amount is a negative number, the document is not integrated, because negative invoice amounts are not allowed.

  1. Specify the maximum number of warnings.

When you run an integration, this value indicates the number of warnings that can occur before the integration is automatically stopped. A warning occurs when a document is integrated, but some information needs to be presented to the user. For example, Microsoft Dynamics GP allows you to enter and save a general journal entry where the total debits do not match the total credits. However, a warning appears, explaining that the transaction can’t be posted until the problem has been resolved. Using Integration Manager, the unbalanced journal entry can be integrated, but it results in a warning similar to the one presented by Microsoft Dynamics GP.

It is important to understand the difference between an error and a warning in Integration Manager. When an error occurs, typically because of an invalid condition in the data, the document fails to be integrated. When a warning occurs, the document is integrated, but Integration Manager provides information about the problem so you can resolve it.

  1. On the Scripts tab, attach a script to the integration (optional).

Use the Scripts properties to attach scripts to the integration. An integration can have several scripts attached that are executed at various points during the integration. Scripts are written in VBScript, a subset of the Microsoft Visual Basic programming language. For more information, refer to Using scripts.

  1. On the Logs tab, set the log properties to specify how to view the log files created by Integration Manager. For more information about log properties, refer to Specifying integration log storage types.
  2. Click Apply to apply the integration properties and click OK to close the window.

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