Additional Field Information window: Fields


Field Name

Displays the display name of the field for which information is being displayed.

Physical Name

Displays the field's physical name. In a SQL database, the physical name is used as the column name in the table.

Control Type

Displays the field's control type. A field's control type determines the kind of information that can be stored in the field. For example, fields with a string control type can contain text, while fields with a currency control type contain currency amounts. Fields can be assigned one of the following control types:


Array Size

Displays the number of elements in the array field, if the field you've selected is an array field. A single array field contains multiple elements of the same kind of information. For instance, all budget periods are entered and displayed in the Period Names field in the Budget Maintenance window. The Period Names field stores information for up to 30 different period names, so it has an array size of 30.

Keyable Length

Displays the number of characters that can be entered in the field.

Decimal Size

Displays the number of decimal places (up to 15) that a field with the currency (variable) control type has.

Storage Size

Displays the number of bytes stored in the table for the selected field.

Format Name

Displays the name of the selected field's format, if the field uses a format. Formats are assigned to certain control types to indicate specific formatting options, such as those displayed in the Numeric/Currency Options and String Options lists.

Format Type

Displays the selected field's format type, if the field uses a format. The format type must be one of the defined format types: Currency, String, Numeric or Composite. If, for instance, the field uses a currency format type, only the options displayed in the Numeric/Currency Options list will be used for the field.

Format Strings

Indicates the field's format string (or strings if there are more than one) used to display data, like a telephone number or an account number, if the selected field uses a format string.


Displays the way information in the field is aligned. The information can be aligned to the left, right or center. Most fields are aligned to the left, although currency fields typically are aligned to the right.


If the field uses a format string, this selection indicates whether unused portions in the field contents will be filled with asterisks, spaces or zeros.

Decimal Digits

Displays the number of decimal places that can be reserved for currency fields. The number of decimal positions you've specified for your operating system is the default setting for most fields.

Negative Symbol

Displays the negative symbol that will appear in fields that display negative numbers or currency amounts. If System appears in the list, the negative symbol will be the one you specified in your operating system's control panel settings for currency and numeric formats.

String Options

Fields in this group display options used for the current field, if the field has a string format. String format options are typically used for data entry fields, such as the User ID, Phone Number, Address and User Name fields. Operating system settings may override the settings displayed for a string field.

Trailing Blanks

If the option is marked, blanks, or spaces, entered at the end of the field will be stored with the string. If the option isn't marked, trailing blanks won't be stored with string values.

Leading Blanks

If the option is marked, blanks, or spaces, at the beginning of a string value will be permitted. If it's not marked, the user won't be able to enter spaces into the field until another character has been entered.

Numeric Only

If the option is marked, the user will be able to enter only numbers in the field.

Alphanumeric Only

If the option is marked, the user will only be able to enter letters of the alphabet and numbers in the field. If the option isn't marked (and the Numeric Only selection isn't marked) the user will be able to enter any character that can be typed from the keyboard in the field.

Uppercase Only

If this option is marked, all alphabetical characters entered in the field will be displayed in uppercase.

Numeric/Currency Options

Fields in this group display the options used for the current field, if the field has a numeric or currency format type. Fields that display currency or numeric amounts may use the format options indicated in the Numeric/Currency Options list. Operating system settings may override the settings displayed for a numeric or currency field.


If the option is marked, the negative symbol won't be displayed for negative numbers. If the option isn't marked, negative numbers will be indicated according to the setting of the Negative Symbol field.

Show Thousands Separator

If the option is marked, the thousands separator set in your operating system's control panel will be used. If the option isn't marked, no separator will be used in the number.

Relative Decimal Position

This option is available only for currency format types. Unmark this option to use an absolute decimal position, or mark it to use a relative decimal position. For absolute decimal positions, the number specified in the Decimal Digits field will be the number of places to the right of the decimal point. For relative decimal positions, that number will be added to the number of decimal places set in the operating system.

Show Currency Symbol

Determines whether the currency symbol will be displayed in the field. This option is available only for currency format types.

Show Percent Sign

Determines whether the percent symbol (%) will be displayed in the field. This option is available for numeric format types only.

Static Values

Displays any static text values used for the field. Static text values are the text values that appear in windows with certain control types, including drop-down lists, radio buttons and check boxes. These selections aren't stored in a table as text, but are stored as integer or boolean values that correspond to a particular selection.


Displays any additional information about the selected field.