By using a reporting tree, Management Reporter can aggregate amounts from child reporting units at the parent reporting unit level. This inclusion is called rolling up the data.

The following rules are used to roll up amounts to parent units in a reporting tree:

  • Within a reporting tree, child units must contain dimensions, unless it is a single-level tree. Parent units usually do not contain dimensions in a reporting tree.

    Note Note

    Specifying dimensions for both child units and parent units can cause duplication of data in the report.

  • Reporting units that contain dimensions in the reporting tree correspond to the dimensions that are used in the row and column definitions. The combination of dimensions determines the amounts returned for that unit. For example, lines 6 and 7 in Example 2 will return only the values for department 00 and 01, respectively.

  • The amounts for parent reporting units that do not contain dimensions in the reporting tree are determined from the child unit report and roll up the amount to the specified parent unit. For example, if the parent unit (see Total TWO in Example 2) has two child units (00 and 01) and does not contain dimensions, a report is generated for each child and the parent. The parent total is the sum of the two child amounts.


The following examples show possible information that is used in a reporting tree definition for an example of rolling up data.

Example 1

Screenshot of reporting tree definition example

Example 2

screen shot of reporting tree definition example 2

See Also