You can use the form to pay the vendor invoices.
Click > > > .
Click CTRL+N to create a new payment journal and then click the button.
Click the tab > button > to create a new payment proposal.
In the field, select the option. Enter the other required details in the form and then click OK. You can view all the transactions in the form, based on the criteria from the form. Delete any transactions that should not be included in the payment.
Click the button in the form to transfer the proposal lines to the form in the payment journal.
Click button > option. In the field, select the Telepay 2.01 option.
Click the button in the form. Enter the name and the path to save the payment file that is sent to the bank in the field.
When the file is created, the status of the payments is updated to Sentin the form. You can send the file to the bank using the software of the bank.
After the bank receives the file, it will pay the specified invoices and charge your account. The bank sends a return file and confirms if a payment line is approved or rejected.
Click > > > .
Click the button to import the return file.
Select the method of payment with Telepay 2.01 return format in the field. Click OK.
After the return file is imported, the status of the payment in the Payment status field changes either to Approvedor Rejected.
The status of the payment lines is updated in the Payment journal.
Click > > > > button to change the payment lines with Rejectedstatus to None. You can modify the details and resend it to the bank.
You can validate and post the journal when all the payment lines have an Approved status.
Create a separate journal with corresponding number series for payment proposals and another journal with a different voucher number series for importing and posting payments. These voucher number series should be different from other voucher number series.
In certain cases, a vendor might owe you money or you might owe money to a customer. If a vendor owes you money, you can use the OCR import file format for vendors. If you owe money to a customer, you can create a payment proposal for the customer in the form ( > > > ).