Create a budget model that includes the sales departments as submodels:
Create a budget model named M1, and enter the unique identifier M1in the field.
Create budget models for departments East1 and West1.
Define corresponding dimension values (East1 and West1) for the dimension in the form. See Create a dimension value.
On the tab, select budget model M1.
On the tab, in the field, select East1.
Press the DOWN ARROW key to create a new line, and also select West1 as a budget submodel.
Create a budget for the sales departments by using budget models M1, East1, and West1:
Create a line (press CTRL+N if necessary), and select M1 in the field.
Create two more lines, and enter East1 and West1 in the fields.
Enter other information for the budgets as indicated in the following table (You must combine the amounts that you enter for East1 and West1 into the amount for the ledger model M1):
(It is not necessary to enter a value for M1 for this example. You can enter a department dimension on a main budget and on budgets for submodels, as appropriate.)
View how posting a sales invoice transaction affects the budgeted amount:
Post a sales invoice with the dimension value East1 to ledger account AAA.
You can create a sales invoice by posting a sales order or a free text invoice, or by posting a transaction directly to the ledger account in the lines.
For more information, see:
Click to open the query. In the column for the with value , select AAA, and click OK.
In the form, select East1 in the field, and East1 in the field.
Click OKto run the report and view the annual budget figures.