When you create a subscription, the sales price is derived from the sales price setup created in the form.
In the form, you can create sales prices for a specific subscription or you can create sales prices that apply more broadly. For a sales price to be applied on a subscription, the period code and the currency of the subscription and the sales price must be identical.
If the period code and currency are identical for both the subscription and the sales price, subscription sales prices are selected on the basis of the priorities listed in the following table. Blank indicates an empty field and X indicates a value equal to the value in the subscription from which the transaction is generated.
Priority |
1 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
2 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
3 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
4 |
X |
X |
X |
5 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
6 |
X |
X |
X |
7 |
X |
X |
X |
8 |
X |
X |
When a subscription fee is created, the sales price with the greatest level of detail (as noted in the table above) is selected as the subscription sales price.
Update and
index subscription sales prices
You can update the subscription sales price by updating the base price or the index. You can update by a percent or to a new value.
fee sales prices
When you create a subscription fee, the sales price is based on the sales price setup of the subscription. You can either use the base price from the subscription price setup or you can create indexed sales prices.
You want to set up subscription sales prices of EUR 500 for a new project 9030. In the form, you create a subscription sales price line as follows:
Valid from |
Category |
Project |
Subscription |
Period code |
Sales currency |
Sales price |
28-08-2006 |
9030 |
Month |
500 |
Note that the and fields are blank.
You then create the following subscriptions:
Service subscription |
Project |
Subscription group |
Category |
Currency |
Period code |
00020_135 |
9030 |
Sub1 |
SubCat1 |
Monthly |
00021_135 |
9030 |
Sub1 |
SubCat2 |
Monthly |
Now you create subscription fees for both subscriptions in the subscription group Sub1:
Click > > > .
In the form, click > .
In the form, enter the appropriate information. For more information, see Create subscription fee (class form).
Subscription fees with a sales price of EUR 500 are created for both subscriptions:
Project date |
Service subscription |
Project |
Category |
Start date |
End date |
Sales currency |
Sales price |
28-08-2006 |
00020_135 |
9030 |
SubCat1 |
01-01-2007 |
31-03-2007 |
500 |
28-08-2006 |
00021_135 |
9030 |
SubCat2 |
01-01-2007 |
31-03-2007 |
500 |
Later, you decide that you want to specify sales prices for the category SubCat1 for project 9030. Therefore, you create a new sales price line with a sales price of EUR 550 for the combination of project 9030 and fee category SubCat1. There are now two subscription sales price lines for project 9030:
Valid from |
Category |
Project |
Subscription |
Period code |
Currency |
Sales price |
28-08-2007 |
9030 |
Month |
500 |
28-08-2007 |
SubCat1 |
9030 |
Month |
550 |
You repeat the procedure described above to create subscription fees for both subscriptions in the subscription group Sub1. Two transactions are created, one for each subscription that is attached to the subscription group:
Project date |
Subscription |
Project |
Category |
Start date |
End date |
Sales currency |
Sales price |
28-07-2007 |
00020_135 |
9030 |
SubCat1 |
01-01-2008 |
31-03-2008 |
550 |
28-07-2008 |
00021_135 |
9030 |
SubCat2 |
01-01-2008 |
31-03-2008 |
500 |
In the first transaction for subscription 00020_135, the sales price of EUR 550 derives from the subscription sales price set up for the combination of the specific project and category. In the second transaction for subscription 00021_135, the sales price of EUR 500 is used as the project subscription sales price because there is no price set up for the combination of project 9030 and category SubCat2.