The Project control system and the Export to Excel function can help you in financially monitoring your current projects. Project control can be accessed from the following forms:

The Project control button contains five subsystems that you can select to view more project information. The five options are as follows:

  • - Project statement can help in monitoring transaction types and project types. The information that is calculated and compared is taken from the original budgeted amount transactions for the project and compared with the actual amount of transactions for the project.

  • - Cost control can help in monitoring the costs incurred on a project. The information calculated and compared is taken from two budgets that you created. The first budget is the original budget created for the project before the project began. The second budget is the current version of the original budget with any changes that you may have made over the course of the project.

  • - Invoice control can help in monitoring the invoicing for a project. The information that is calculated and compared is taken from the actual invoicing that has been performed or is set to be performed for the project and the original project quotation.

  • - Hour utilization can help in monitoring the hours spent on a project. The information that is calculated and compared is taken from the original budget of hours that was created before the project began, and the actual hours that have been entered as being used for the project.

  • - Cash flow can help in monitoring the cash you have both received and paid on a project. The information that is calculated and compared is taken from the budget that you first created before the project began and the actual amount of money that has been received and spent.

When you have selected one of the subsystems to calculate the information that you are looking for, you can select the button and export all the data into a Microsoft Office Excel worksheet.