Standard reports are preconfigured reports that are provided by Microsoft Dynamics AX. Each module's area page has a Reportssection that contains links to standard reports.
The data displayed on a standard report is retrieved from the Microsoft Dynamics AX database using a query. You can modify the query, which allows you to filter the data on the report, sort the data, and add more fields to the report.
The following sections will help you work with standard reports.
Generate and
print a standard report
From a Microsoft Dynamics AX client, click the module that contains the data that you want to view (for example, click General ledger). The module's area page is displayed.
Go to the Reportssection of the page.
Click the report that you want to view.
The main report form will open. You will use this form to complete the following steps.
If you do not see any reports in the Reportssection, you do not have the appropriate permissions to view report data in the selected module.
To modify the query used for the report, click the Selectbutton.
In the form that appears, you can:
Filter the data displayed on the report. To do so, you will need to enter the range of data that you want displayed on the report.
Sort the data.
Add more fields to the report. (For an explanation of the fields and options on this form, press F1.)
Click OKto return to the main report form.
To generate and print this report as part of a batch, click the Batchtab. Then do the following:
Select the Batch processingcheck box.
In the Captionfield, enter a name for the batch.
Select a group from the Batch grouplist.
If you want to be the only person who runs this batch, select the Privatecheck box.
Click the Recurrencebutton to specify how often this batch will run.
Click the Alertsbutton to set up alert notifications for this batch.
Click OKto return to the main report form.
To specify how you want to print the report, click the Optionsbutton. You can:
Print to the screen.
Print to a file.
Print to an archive.
Print to a printer.
E-mail the report.
ArialUnicodeMS font should be installed and selected in order for PDF rendering to work in Chinese.
Click OKto return to the main report form.
Click OKto generate and print the report.
Drill down on
report data
Standard reports may contain orange links and blue links.
Orange links
Orange links enable you to view the form that corresponds to the report that you are viewing. To view the form, right-click the orange link and then select the form on the shortcut menu that appears.
Blue links
Blue links indicate that you can drill down into related data. Click the blue link to view the related data.