Use batch jobsto postpone tasks and run them on a different computer (a batch server). Many tasks in Microsoft Dynamics AX can be run in batch jobs. For example, batch jobs can include tasks for printing reports, performing maintenance, or sending electronic documents. By using batch jobs, you avoid slowing down your computer or the server during typical working hours.

The classes used for batch tasks are designated to run on either the client or the server. Tasks that run on the server can run automatically as part of batch jobs, regardless of whether a client is open. However, tasks that run on the client must be run manually by using the form. If a client task is marked , only the user who created that task can run it. For more information, see Run client and private tasks.

The tasks in a batch job can run sequentially or simultaneously. In addition, you can create dependencies between tasks. This means that you can set up a different sequence of tasks depending on whether an earlier task succeeds or fails.

You can set up recurrence patterns for batch jobs. For example, you can set up a job to process invoices automatically at the end of every month.

To monitor batch jobs, you can set up alerts. Alerts can be sent when the batch job succeeds, fails, or completes.

After a batch job has been processed, you can view history, including any messages encountered while running the job.

Use batch groupsto categorize batch tasks and run them on specific servers. The servers in your environment may have different software installed or may be available at different times of day. Batch groups are used to direct batch tasks to the most appropriate server. Tasks in the same batch job can belong to different batch groups.

For example, you might have Server A set up to print reports and Server B set up to send electronic documents. You can use batch groups to make sure that reporting tasks are run on Server A and electronic documents are processed by Server B.