You can create e-mail groups for several kinds of tasks. You can then add and delete members as necessary.

Create an e-mail group and add members

  1. Click > > > > .

  2. Press CTRL+N to create a new e-mail group.

  3. Enter the name of the e-mail group and select an e-mail category.

  4. Click .

  5. Select members from the , the and/or the tab, using the arrows to add or remove them from the list.

Delete members from an e-mail group

  1. Click > > > > .

  2. Select the group you would like to remove members from.

  3. Click .

  4. Select the members from the list that you want to delete, and use the arrow to remove them from the e-mail group.

Create an e-mail group for a campaign target list

  1. Click > > > .

  2. Select the campaign that the e-mail group is to be based on.

  3. Click > .

  4. Enter the name of the e-mail group and select an e-mail category.

  5. Select the type of mail that defines the e-mail message type sent to the members of the e-mail group.

  6. Click to create the e-mail group.

    All the targets in the form are transferred as members of the newly created e-mail group but are not deleted from the form.