
Use this form to create, manage or view the .

The transactions control is used to enable transactions on the different .

Note Note

For each , you must check at least one dimension, otherwise for this cost category, no transactions are created. When you mark more than one dimension in the field, you might generate one posting for each dimension item you select . To avoid this multiple generation of bookings, enter the restrictions and rules on .

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

Create and view all cost categories.

General tab

View all base settings of the cost categories.

Create and view the base settings for cost categories with a cost type service category.

Dimension tab

Determine how the dimensions should be validated in connection with posting.




Click to inquire about transactions, and select from:

  • .

  • .

  • .

Click to inquire about dimension balances, and select from:

  • .

  • .

Click to see in which cost line this cost category is used.

Click to enter a validation list.

Click to enter a dimension control.

Click to enter the transaction control for several cost categories in one step.

Note Note

This function is only usable, when you have marked more then one cost category.

Click and select from:

  • .

  • .




Enter or view cost category number.

Enter or view the name of cost category.

Enter or view the short name used for fast search for cost category name

This field allows you to define the cost category type. It determines how the cost category is handled. Select one of the following options:

  • Primary costs

  • Secondary costs

  • Service costs

View if the cost category local.

Select to block this cost category for transactions.

The transaction control is used to enable transactions on the department dimension.

For additional information, see Dimensions.

The transaction control is used to enable transactions on the cost center dimension.

For additional information, see Dimensions.

The transaction control is used to enable transactions on the purpose dimension.

For additional information, see Dimensions.

Enter or view the related service category.

Note Note

This field is only used when you have general ledger transactions with quantities.

Enter or view the unit of this cost category.

Use this field to view or chose the usage of service category.

We distinguish two different types:

  • General quantity itemization

  • Internal cost allocation

For additional information, see About service categories.

Use this field to view or enable a link to the modules:

  • Production category

  • Project category

Use this field to define, which dimension should be debited with the quantities.

Note Note

This field is only used when the use of service category is like internal cost allocation.

Use this field to define, which dimension should be debited with the quantities.

Note Note

This field is only used when the use of service category is like internal cost allocation.

Use this field to create a link to the production cost category.

Note Note

This field is only used when the use of service category is like internal cost allocation.

Use this field to create a link to the project category.

Note Note

This field is only used when the use of service category is like internal cost allocation.

Specify a Department.

For additional information, see Dimensions.

Specify a Cost center.

For additional information, see Dimensions.

Specify a Purpose.

For additional information, see Dimensions.

Validate the department field when posting to the account.

Validate the cost center field when posting to the account.

Validate the purpose field when posting to the account.