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Absence codes are used to indicate the reason for an absence and to apply registration validations to these reasons. For example, applying registration validations to lets you control the maximum acceptable number of:

  • Absences during a specific period.

  • Multi-day absences during a specific period.

  • Multiple occurrences of multi-day absences during a period.

Microsoft Dynamics AX will validate absence transactions according to your settings on the tab. When recording an absence, if you have violated the code's validation rules an error message will appear. However, you can continue to record the absence.

You can use the options under colors on the tab to select a color to represent each absence code. Color coding is helpful when you use the form, where you can view a listing of all validation rules that have been violated, and by whom.

Before you can create an , you must first create an .

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Edit cost prices for indirect activities.




Overview tab

Add and modify a list of absence codes.

General tab

Add or edit information about the absence code selected on the Overviewtab.

Add or edit information about the validations of the absence code selected on the Overviewtab.

Add or edit information about the registration, properties, and payroll of the absence code selected on the Overviewtab.

Dimension tab

Select dimension information about the absence code selected on the Overviewtab.




Enter an identification code.

Enter a description.

Associate the absence code with an absence group.

Start the validation defined in the .

Start the validation defined on the .

Start the validation defined on the .

Validate for workdays only. Days off, for example weekends, are not counted.

Define the maximum number of consecutive absence days allowed.

Units of the period code.

For example, if you enter 2 in the box, 1 in the box, and from the list in , the employee is allowed to be absent only 2 days per week without violating the validation.

Define the length of the period.

For example, if you enter 2 in the box, 1 in the box, and from the list in , the employee is allowed to be absent only 2 days per week without violating the validation.

Define the maximum number of absence days allowed in the period.

Units of the period code.

For example, if you enter 2 in the box, 1 in the box, and from the list in , the employee is allowed to be absent only 2 days per week without violating the validation.

Define the length of the period.

For example, if you enter 2 in the box, 1 in the box, and from the list in , the employee is allowed to be absent only 2 days per week without violating the validation.

Validate for workdays only. Days off, for example weekends, are not counted.

Define the maximum number of series of absences allowed in a period.

Units of the period code.

For example, if you enter 2 in the box, 1 in the box, and from the list in , the employee is allowed to be absent only 2 days per week without violating the validation.

Define the length of the period.

For example, if you enter 2 in the box, 1 in the box, and from the list in , the employee is allowed to be absent only 2 days per week without violating the validation.

Job identification used when a registration is made on the activity.

May employees register for the current activity?

Is absence to be counted according to pay hours or pay days?

Continue absence until next clock-in registration?

Column in which this activity is presented in the absence report form.

Letter which denotes the absence code in the planned absence report.

Include this absence code in the absence form and absence statistics reports.

Pay type given on the current activity (only absence). Pay types for absence can also be set up in pay agreements.

Select the general ledger account to post absence costs for this absence code.

Select offset account for the transaction in the general ledger.

Specify a department. For more information, see Dimensions.

Specify a cost center. For more information, see Dimensions.

Specify a purpose. For more information, see Dimensions.

See Also