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Use this form to view route transactions and detailed information. Each time a line from a route sheet or job sheet journal is posted, a route transaction is created. You can view information such as:
Transaction dates
Record information
Job information
Ledger posting
Dimension information
the form
The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Tab |
Description |
View a summary of all route transactions. Details include information about the work in process (WIP) date, costing date, associated production and operation, route type, value of the transaction and amount of route transactions posted to the ledger. |
View information about the selected production route, including information about the production itself, operation number, work centers, vouchers, and relevant dates such as costing and WIP dates. |
Compare the number of good items reported as finished to the number of defective items. |
View the WIP, work center issues, and offset accounts that were used to post to the ledger. |
Define new dimensions or view existing ones, such as department, cost center, and purpose for the selected route transaction. |
Button |
Description |
View attached ledger transactions listed by voucher number and posting date. |
Field |
Description |
If this check box is selected, the transaction is cost accounted. If it is cleared is cleared, the transaction is not included in the cost accounting carried out for the production. If this is the case, this transaction does not affect the value with which the item is received in inventory. |
Displays the date when the WIP was posted to the ledger. WIP is automatically posted when journals are posted. |
Displays the date when the calculation was posted to the ledger, if the production is cost accounted. |
Displays the production number that has feedback on route consumption. |
Displays the operation that has been carried out at this route transaction. |
Displays one of the following options:
Displays the total amount of route transactions posted to the ledger. This is calculated as number of hours multiplied by the hourly rate or quantity multiplied by the quantity price. |
Indicates which cost category has had feedback. The cost category is related to the consumption type in the field. The price that is used in calculating the route record is controlled by this type. You can also use the type to control posting. |
Displays the operation number to which the posting is attached. The operation number, along with the production number and the primary/secondary fields, forms a unique identifier for the operation. |
Indicates whether the route transaction belongs to a primary or secondary work center. In simultaneous operations, the primary work center is used to specify which operation is to be the controlling one in the scheduling. Secondary operations with the same operation number are then scheduled simultaneously with the primary one. This is defined in the route of a single production. The production number of the route transaction is displayed in the field. Prioritizing can have the following values:
For more information, see on the Production route (form)tab on the field. |
If an employee has been defined for the feedback of time consumption, displays here. |
Indicates which work center group has had feedback. |
Indicates which specific work center has had feedback. |
Displays the voucher number for WIP posts in the ledger. To display the posts, click . |
Voucher number used in costing in the module. |
Displays the job type for the transaction. Select from the following options:
Displays the number of feedback hours in the current record.
Quantity of items reported as finished in route transaction without reported faults. This means items that are regarded as being without fault at the time of recording. Also known as good quantity. |
Quantity of items with errors in the current record. |
If the current route record contains feedback on the error quantity, the error message displays here. Possible errors include:
Displays an approximation of an operation's progress at the time of feedback. If half of the operation has been carried out, the value is 50%. Even if half of the estimated time has gone, it is not certain that half of the operation actually has been carried out. In such a case, you can follow the progress of the operation with the estimated feedback. |
Indicates whether the operation to which the route record belongs is finished. |
Displays the unique job number (the identifier of the job attached to the route transaction). |
Indicates whether the job to which the route transaction belongs is finished. If the field is cleared, the job has not been reported as finished by this recording. |
Displays the starting time from which the time consumed for this route transaction is registered. Together with , this field shows the time period used for working on this job at the point of this recording. This field may be left blank. |
Displays the time until which the time consumed for this route transaction is registered. Together with , this field displays the time period used for working on this job at the point of this recording. This field may be left blank. |
Displays the cost of the time consumed in feedback. The price is defined in the operation's cost category. |
Displays the price for the quantity type. The price is attached to the cost category in . |
Indicates which voucher series has been used when posting WIP issues to the ledger. WIP issue is the value that is used by the work centers at this route transaction. The amount to be posted is the value of the route transaction, on the basis of the record and posting carried out with the route sheet or the job sheet. |
Specification of the type of transaction. |
Indicates which voucher series has been used at cost accounting posting of issues from the work center. Work center issue is the value that the route transaction has on the basis of the WIP transactions posted earlier. The transaction can later be settled with salary payments in the ledger. The voucher series is set up through the form. |
Indicates which voucher series has been used as an offset account at cost accounting posting of issues from the work center. Work center issue is the value that the route transaction has on the basis of the WIP transactions posted earlier. The voucher series is set up using the form. |
Indicates which account number has been used when posting WIP issues to the ledger. WIP issue is the value that is used by the work centers at this route transaction. Therefore, you can see in the ledger which value has been issued from the work centers. Offset accounting is carried out to the account defined in the field. |
Receipt account used when posting WIP to the ledger. |
Displays the account number that has been used for posting cost accounting after work center issue. The WIP transactions have been posted earlier. Therefore, you can see in the ledger what value the work centers have had with regard to this route transaction. The transaction is settled later with salary payments in the ledger. The account number depends on the setup of the production on the form and in . The account number is determined by this setup, either using the cost category, work center, or production group. |
Displays the account number that has been used as an offset account at cost accounting posting of issues from the work center. The work center issue is posted using the value entered in the amount field. The offset account contains the value that is added to the company accounts in the form of finished products. You can see in the ledger what value the work centers have had with regard to a production. The account number is determined by the way production has been set up on the form and in . The account number is specified on the basis of this setup, either using the cost category, work center, or production group. |
Displays the dimensions. See also Dimension (form). |
Displays the dimensions. See also Dimension (form). |
Displays the dimensions. See also Dimension (form) |