
Use this form to register data about all of the companies and individuals, including customers, prospective customers, and vendors with whom you have business interactions.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.

Filtering records



Display all business relations, regardless of any other values in the filter fields.

Select an employee from the drop-down list to filter the business relations. Only the business relations for the employee who is the main contact person will be displayed.

This filter field will be populated with the employee's name when the form is opened from the main menu.

The value in the Employee filter field will be combined with the value in the filter field.

Select a business relation type from the drop-down list to filter the business relations. Only the business relations with the same type as the selected type will be displayed.

The value in the Type filter field will be combined with the value in the filter field.


Upper Pane



Provides an overview of all business relations.

Provides a detailed overview of the selected business and its classifications.

View details about the organization of the selected business relation.

View or add information for the selected business relation.

View or add address information for the selected business relation.

View or add contact information about the selected business relation.

Enter the department, cost center, or purpose dimensions for the selected business relation.

Lower Pane



View all contacts who are associated with the selected business relation.

View all activities that are associated with the selected business relation.

View all mailings that are associated with the selected business relation.

View all documents that are associated with the selected business relation.

View all sales quotations that are associated with the selected business relation.

View all responsibilities that are associated with the selected business relation.

View all business sectors that are associated with the selected business relation.

View all project quotations that are associated with the selected business relation.

View all campaigns that are associated with the selected business relation.

View all call lists that are associated with the selected business relation.

View all transaction logs that are associated with the selected business relation.


Upper Pane



Open the form to view the contact persons who are attached to the selected business relation.

Open the form to view the activities that are attached to the selected business relation.

Open the form to view the documents that are attached to the selected business relation.

  • Open the form to view the company's contact persons who are attached to the active business relation and who are defined by their responsibility to the active business relation.

  • Open the form to view the business sectors that the selected business relation is a member of.

  • Open the form to view any alternate addresses that the active business relation might have.

  • Convert the active business relation to a customer. If the active business relation is already a customer, this option will be unavailable.

  • Convert the active business relation to a vendor. If the active business relation is already a vendor, the option will be unavailable.

  • Update selected contact person data.

  • Run a duplicate check for all business relations on the form. The criteria for the duplicate check are set up on the form.

  • Synchronize contact persons as contacts in Microsoft Office Outlook.

  • Open the form for the active business relation. If the active business relation is not a customer, this option will be unavailable.

  • Open the form for the active business relation. If the active business relation is not a vendor, this option will be unavailable.

  • Open the form for the active business relation. All quotes for the customer will be displayed.

  • Open the form for the active business relation. All project quotes for the customer will be displayed.

  • Open the form for the active business relation.

  • Open the form for the active business relation.

  • Open the form to confirm quotes for the active business relation.

  • Open the form for the active business relation.

  • Open the form and display all encyclopedia items for the active business relation.

  • Open the form and display all campaigns in which the active business relation is included.

  • Open the form and display all mailings attached to the active business relation.

  • Open the form and display all telemarketing initiatives that are attached to the active business relation.

  • Open the form and display a list of all of the incoming and outgoing phone calls that are attached to the active business relation.

  • Open the form and display all changes to the active business relation.

Lower Pane



Open the form that corresponds to the tab that you selected.

View past mailings and any information associated with the mailing.

When the tab is selected, view information about the employee who is attached to the selected business relation.


Upper Pane



Click this icon to write short notes regarding the current business relation and keep the notes stored in the form.

Select this check box if the selected business relation was imported into the system and not created manually.

Click this icon to view the directory record of the business relation in the form.

View the business relation identification.

Select the directory type for the business relation. The business relation may be a customer, vendor, or some other type of business relation. The directory type is mandatory when a new business relation is created.

Select the type of the business relation. The default business relation type is set up in the tab in the form.

Enter the name of the business relation. If the business relation is a customer or vendor, changes to the business relation's name in either the customer table or the vendor table will automatically be updated in this field.

Enter the alias or search name for the business relation.

The sales person responsible for business relation's base data is registered in this field.

The user who initially creates the business relation will be assigned as the responsible sales person, but another sales person can be assigned to the business relation by selecting that employee's name from the drop-down list in the main contact field.

Open the to view or attach documents to the business relation.

View the directory identification number that is found in the form.

Select whether further invoicing and deliveries should continue or if they have been stopped.

Select this check box if this is a customer or vendor that you will interact with only one time.

View the organization number of the business relation as required by local legislation.

Select the business relation's status as defined by the company.

The various business relation statuses are set up and maintained in .

Select an ABC code for the business relation. This code is used for internal classification purposes and can be used to filter the business relations table in queries and reports.

Select this check box to receive a message when the credit limit for the business relation has been exceeded.

Enter the credit rating for the business relation.

Enter the credit limit for the business relation.

Select the business relation's segment classification.

The business relation's segment is set up and maintained in .

Select the business relation's subsegment classification.

The subsegment classification is based on the segment classification.

The business relation's subsegment classifications are set up and maintained in .

Select the company chain for the business relation.

The company chain is relevant only if the business relation is a member of a company chain. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

Select the sales district for the business relation.

The sales districts for business relations are set up and maintained in .

If the business relation is a customer, select the relevant customer group for the business relation.

If the business relation is a vendor, select the relevant customer group for the business relation.

View the main language for the business relation, which is the same language that is defined in the form when the business relation is created.

You can change this language at any time.

Select the currency to use for invoicing the business relation.

To change the currency, select a new currency code from the drop-down list in the field.

View the date that the record was created.

View the last date the record was modified.

Enter the number of people who are employed by the business relation.

Enter the organization number.

Select the ABC code filter for the business relation.

If this check-box is selected, the business relation will receive direct mail, for instance, in conjunction with campaigns or other mailing initiatives.

The business relation's official hours of business are entered in the Opening Time and Closing Time fields.

When the business relation is created, the default business hours will be populated with the times that are entered in the Opening time and Closing Time fields in the form.

The business relation's official hours of business are entered in the fields Opening Time and Closing Time.

When the business relation is created, the default business hours will be populated with the time that is entered in the Opening time and Closing Time fields in the form.

Enter the freight zone for the selected business relation.

Select the typical delivery terms for the selected business relation.

Select the typical mode for delivery for the selected business relation.

Select a destination code for the selected business account.

Select a calendar to use for deliveries to a business relation..

Select this check box if the sales prices include sales tax.

Select the appropriate tax group for the selected business relation.

Enter the fiscal code for the business relation.

Enter any additional information about the business relation.

Select this check box to allow all users to view the selected business relation's address.

Select this check box if this is the primary address for the business relation.

Enter the name of the address for the business relation.

Select the address type.

Enter the street address.

Select for the address. This will automatically populate the fields that are associated with the that you selected, such as: , , and/or .

The is created and maintained in the form for the entire application.

View the city in which the business relation is located.

The business relation's home city appears in this field based on the information that you entered in the field.

The city name cannot be changed in this field because it is dependent on the code. The city name can be changed in .

The business relation's county appears in this field based on the information that you entered in the field.

The county name cannot be changed in this field because it is dependent on the ZIP Code/Postal Code. The county name can be changed in .

The business relation's home state appears in this field based on the information that you entered in the field.

The state name cannot be changed in this field because it is dependent on the ZIP Code/Postal Code. The state name can be altered in .

Unique identification of the country/region that can be attached to the and .

This address is used to send written correspondence, packages, or other materials to the business relation. The format of the Address field is set up in form.

The field is populated with the information registered in the and fields and the fields that are dependent on the : ( , , , and ) field.

The business relation's main telephone number is entered in this field.

If the Telephony API (TAPI) interface has been installed and configured, you can dial the telephone number by clicking the telephone icon on the right.

The main telephone extension number is entered in this field, if applicable.

The business relation's main mobile phone number is entered in this field.

If the TAPI interface has been installed and configured, you can dial the telephone number by clicking the telephone icon to the right of the field.

The business relation's pager number is entered in this field.

The business relation's main fax number is entered in this field.

The business relation's main Internet e-mail address is entered in this field.

If you are using Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Outlook Express, you can open a new e-mail note with the business relation's e-mail address in the Tobox by clicking the e-mail icon to the right of the Tobox.

The business relation's mobile phone number for receiving SMS (text messages) is entered in this field.

The World Wide Web address of the business relation is entered in this field.

If you are using Internet Explorer, you can open the Internet browser at the business relation's home page by clicking the Internet icon to the right of the field.

The business relation's main telex number is entered in this field.

The business relation's main is entered in this field.

This form does not refer to any classification or set up tables that are found in . This form refers to the form in and .

Enter a siret number for the business relation.

The siret is a 14-digit number that identifies a business, a branch of the business, and a person who is associated with the business activity. Businesses obtain a siret number at the time of registration with the French government. You can use the siret number to verify that an enterprise is correctly registered and authorized to do business with you.

Because the siret number also is linked to a geographical site, a person or company that does business at more than one location would need a siret number for each location.

This field is available only if the France country/region configuration key is selected.

Enter a French Nomenclature des Activités Françaises (NAF code) for the vendor.

French Nomenclature des Activités Françaises (NAF) numbers are common codes that are used by the French government to display and track economic statistical data. For example, if your company manufactures computers, the NAF code for your company might be 300C, which is the NAF code for manufacturing computers and other computer hardware. If your company is involved in building houses, your NAF code would be 452A.

This field is available only if the France country/region configuration key is selected.

Select a department in this field.

Select a cost center in this field.

Select a purpose in this field.

Lower pane



In the form, you can write short notes regarding the contact persons for the current business relation.

The unique number for the contact person for the selected business relation.

Enter the name of the contact person for the selected business relation.

Enter the phone number for the selected business relation.

Select the employee who is the main contact for the selected business relation.

Select this check box if the contact information for the selected business relation is no longer active.

Open the to view or attach documents that are related to the business relation.

Select this check box if the activity that is selected is closed.

View the start date and start time for the activity.

View the end date and end time for the activity.

The priority of the activity.

The purpose of the activity.

The category that is assigned to the activity.

The employee who is responsible for the activity.

The description or code for the mailing category.

The description or code for the mailing type.

The name of the business and the contact person receiving the mailing.

The status of the mailing.

The date that is planned for sending the mailing.

The date that the mailing is sent.

The name of the contact person who will receive the mailing.

The unique number for the mailing.

The date that the document was created.

The unique number for the contact person who is associated with the document.

The contact information that is related to the document.

A description of the document.

The document type.

The file type of the document.

The name of the person who created the document.

The unique number for the sales or project quotation.

The customer account number.

The sales person who is responsible for the sales order.

The status of the quotation.

The currency that will be used for invoicing the expected sales order.

The date that the sales quotation expires and is no longer valid. The expiry date can be precalculated or manually defined.

The unique number for the sales order.

View the assignment of responsibility.

View the identification of the employee who is responsible.

View the name of the employee who is responsible.

The business sector that has been assigned to the selected business relation.

The description of the business sector.

The status of the active quotation.

The currency that will be used for invoicing the expected sales order.

The date the sales quotation expires and is no longer valid. The expiry date can be precalculated or manually defined.

View the project that is associated with the quotation.

Shows whether the quotation has been transferred to a project forecast.

Shows whether the quotation has been transferred to an item requirement.

The unique identification number for the campaign.

The name of the campaign.

The employee who is responsible for the campaign.

The current stage or status of the campaign.

The type of business relations that the campaign is targeting.

The date that the campaign is created.

The group that created the campaign.

The reason that the campaign has been canceled.

The name of the telemarketing call list.

The description of the telemarketing campaign.

The type of questionnaire that is used in the telemarketing campaign.

The employee who is responsible for the telemarketing campaign.

The date that the telemarketing campaign starts.

The date that the telemarketing campaign ends.

The date that the action was logged in the transaction log.

The table that the event is attached to.

The action that was logged on the element.

The reference number to the table where the transaction was initiated.

The primary description of the event in the transaction log.

The secondary description of the event in the transaction log.

The date of the logged event.

The employee who performed the logged event.

The sales unit (team of sales persons) that is responsible for a common sales target.

The identification number for the contact person for the business relation.

See Also