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Use this form to define campaign processes and activities.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




View all campaign processes or create a new one.

View detailed information about the selected campaign process and activities.

View the responsibilities or add a new one to the selected campaign process.




Create levels and activities for the campaign process.

Copy the hierarchy or save it as a template for use in another campaign process.

Open the form.




View or enter the name of the campaign process.

View or enter a brief description of the campaign process.

Select this check box to start the campaign process.

View the unique number of the activity.

Select this check box to indicate that the activity is required.

Enter the purpose of the activity.

Select the activity category.

Enter the number of days from the current date that the activity should start.

Enter the number of days from the current date that the activity should end.

Enter the start time of the activity.

Enter the end time of the activity.

Select the employee responsible for the activity.

Select the responsibility for the activity.

Enter any additional information about the campaign process activity.

Enter a responsibility for the campaign process.

Enter a brief description of the responsibility.

See Also