Use this form to define the default values that you want to use each time a production reaches the Reported as finished status. To apply the new default values to appropriate fields in forms used for changing the production order to the reported as finished status, click .

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Apply new default values from the fields in this form to the appropriate fields in forms used to change the status of the production order to Reported as finished.

Set the values in this form as the default values for all the users.




Enter the date for reporting-as-finished here. The default is the system date, but you can change it. The field content is used as a posting date for route transactions and inventory transactions.

Show the result of the journal update in the Infolog.

Select the journal to be used when finished items are registered through the reporting-as-finished journal. You can choose any existing journal. For more information about journals, see Journal name, Production (form). The finished item being placed in inventory is posted via the journal.

If selected, any warnings, such as warnings about missing feedback, are ignored. If you do not selected the field when reporting as finished, an error log containing any errors is displayed, and reporting-as-finished will not be completed.

The following will be verified:

  • Quantity reported as finished must be lower than the quantity started on the production order.

  • Individual operations in the production route must have been reported as finished.

  • All estimated raw-materials consumption must have been delivered.

  • Quantity reported as finished for the production must equal the quantity reported as finished for the last operation in the route.

Note Note

The first reporting-as-finished run shows warnings so that the warnings issued by the system can be seen. The next reporting-as-finished is run without warnings if the warnings are acceptable.

If selected, reporting-as-finished is an end job and no more reporting-as-finished is expected for this production. This deletes excess inventory transactions with the status On order or Ordered. The status of the production order will then change to Reported as finished, and cost-estimating, scheduling, releasing, or starting the production order will not be possible. If you do not mark this field, the above tasks can still be run for the production order.


Select to create calculated route consumption automatically in a route card journal.?

Select to create route card journal with end marking of the operations of the route.

Select the journal used in reporting-as-finished in connection with the recording of material consumption via the picking list. You can choose any existing journal. The quantity being delivered depends on the field. For more information about journals, see Journal name, Production (form). The material consumption may have been registered earlier in connection with reporting-as-finished or registered manually via a picking-list journal.

Determine how the bill of material's item consumption via a BOM journal should occur. The following options are available:

  • Item-dependant - Consumption is to occur according to the setup selected for the item

  • Always - Consumption should always be picked upon reporting-as-finished.

  • Never - Consumption is picked in connection with startup or is registered manually via the picking-list journal.

For more information about setting up reporting-as-finished, see Production report as finished setup (form).

If selected, a picking-list journal with end-marking will be created, and no more reporting-as-finished will be expected for this production. The end job deletes excess inventory transactions with the status On order or Ordered. When you edit in the BOM or switch work centers in the route, when reporting-as-finished is complete, no adjustments will be made of the expected or picked item consumption and route consumption. Adjust these by selecting reporting-as-finished again. For more information about automatic route consumption, see . Likewise, changing the production quantity in production itself after reporting-as-finished has been run as an end job will not change the quantity already reported as finished. To report the adjusted quantity as finished, you will need to run reporting-as-finished again.