Use this form to create and view the currencies that your company uses and, in the lower pane, to maintain appropriate exchange rates between the company currency and other currencies.
When setting up General ledger, the company currency is created in this form and is then selected in the lookup field in the form.
In the lower pane, you can enter or view the current exchange rate for the currency that is selected in the upper pane. The exchange rate is expressed as the number of units of foreign (non-company) currency that is indicated in the field in the tab in the form.
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To export the company chart of accounts, dimension values, or exchange rates directly into the databases of subsidiaries or other companies that run on external databases, see Using AIF to integrate with external systems. |
Tasks that
use this form
the form
The following links and tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Tab |
Description |
Create or view the currencies that your company uses and enter basic identifying information for each currency. |
Enter the gender of the currency that is selected on the tab. |
Set up how the online numeric conversion tool is used for the currency that is selected on the tab. The tool automatically converts transaction lines using the exchange rates in the lower pane. |
Select posting accounts for realized and unrealized profits and losses that are related to the currency that is selected on the tab. |
Enter rounding units and select the kind of rounding that applies to sales orders, purchase orders, and prices for the currency that is selected on the tab. |
Set up exchange rates for consolidation. This tab is only visible if you select the check box in the form. |
Set up and maintain exchange rates for the currency that is selected in the upper pane. |
Button |
Description |
Create or update external codes to send and receive currency codes electronically through the AIF. For more information, see Using AIF to integrate with external systems. |
Print a list of the currencies and the current exchange rates. |
Send exchange rates electronically in an XML document, if you have set up the end point in the form. For more information, see How to: Send and receive electronic documents automatically. |
Field |
Description |
The unique identifier – a code of up to three characters – for the selected currency. Examples:
A description of the selected currency. The description, together with the currency code, is printed on checks and other documents. Examples:
The standard code of the currency as defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). |
The symbol of the selected currency. Symbols are frequently used on reports. Examples:
Select if the selected currency has a feminine gender and the gender is used on checks and reports.
The default value for this field is , which, in effect, means no gender. |
Select this check box to include the selected currency in the calculations of the online numeric conversion tool. The tool automatically converts amounts that are entered on transaction lines in the company currency to amounts in the selected currency.
Enter the text that is printed in front of the amount in the selected currency if the check box is selected. |
Enter the text that is printed after the amount in the selected currency if the check box is selected. |
The ledger account to which realized losses in the selected currency are posted. |
The ledger account to which realized gains in the selected currency are posted. |
The ledger account to which unrealized exchange adjustment losses for open transactions, in the selected currency, are posted. For an example, see Unrealized exchange adjustment losses: an example. |
The ledger account to which unrealized exchange adjustment gains for open transactions, in the selected currency, are posted. |
Enter the unit for rounding off amounts, such as 0.10or 1.00. |
Enter the unit for rounding off amounts on sales orders, such as 0.10or 1.00. |
Select the rounding convention that applies to the number to the right of the round-off unit that is entered in the text box:
Enter the unit for rounding off amounts on purchase orders, such as 0.10or 1.00. |
Select the rounding convention that applies to the number to the right of the round-off unit that is entered in the text box:
Enter the unit for rounding off prices, such as 0.10or 1.00. |
Select the rounding convention that applies to the number to the right of the round-off unit that is entered in the text box:
The first date on which the exchange rate is valid. |
The exchange rate that is valid from the date in the field for the currency that is selected in the upper pane. In forms and reports, exchange rates for currencies are shown as they are defined in this field.
Specify whether the exchange rate is included in triangulation. |
Select this check box to use the government exchange rate when you run the VAT exchange adjustment batch.
View an explanation of the exchange rate: the exchange rate per number of units of the foreign currency. |
Enter the exchange rate that will be used for the selected currency when currency conversion occurs for the balances or transaction amounts of subsidiary ledger accounts. This occurs when the account amounts are added to consolidated company ledger accounts that have a value of in the field on the tab of the form.
Enter the exchange rate that will be used for the selected currency when currency conversion occurs for the balances or transaction amounts of subsidiary ledger accounts. This occurs when the account amounts are added to consolidated company ledger accounts that have a value of in the field on the tab of the form.