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Use this form to display transactions made in the Sales and Marketing module.

Use transaction logging to inspect historical information about when and by whom transactions were made.

You can activate transaction logging for specific tables considered important for Sales and Marketing. ( > form. Transactions on this table are automatically logged if specified in the form).

Tip Tip

For monitoring different types of activities, the management statistics graphs can present data from the transaction log.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.

Filtering the form



Select the check box to display all logged transactions.

Select an employee from the drop-down list in this field to display all of the logged transactions caused by the selected employee.

Enter a Fromdate to filter the displayed logged transactions by date.

Use this field to filter logged-in transactions during a specific time period.

Enter a date to filter the displayed logged transactions by date.

Use this field to filter logged in-transactions during a specific time period.

The date filter field is cumulative with the value in the field, filtering the form to display the transactions made by an employee within a specific period.




Overview tab

Provides an overview of the filtered logged transactions:

  • Date and time on which the transactions were logged.

  • Which table, reference number, and action resulted in the logging.

  • Employee who performed the action Transaction result.

General tab

Provides more specific information of the active logged transaction.




Open the form containing the transaction data which was logged. For example, if the transaction logged was a name change from one name to another in the form, select the button to open the form at the transaction in question.




Date the action was logged in the transaction log.

Table which the event is attached to.

Reference number to the table where the transaction was initiated.

If the event was logged in the Business relationstable, the reference number will be the business account number.

If the event was logged in the Activitytable, the reference number will be the activity number.

Primary description of the event in the transaction log.

Secondary description of the event in the transaction log.

Date of the logged event.

For example, if the logged event is an appointment (an activity) the reference date is the appointment's start date.

Employee who performed the logged event.

Sales unit (team of salesmen) responsible for a common sales target.

Action that was logged on the element.

Identification number of the contact person of the business relation.