Use this form to include transactions in the bank reconciliation and to enter new transactions that appear on the bank account statement but that have not yet been included in Microsoft Dynamics AX. In the upper pane, enter new transactions or make corrections to posted transactions until the bank statement and company records correspond to one another.

In the lower pane, view the sum, by bank transaction group, of the transaction lines that you have included in the bank statement reconciliation. This includes all the transactions that you create manually and the transaction lines for which you have selected the field.

Note Note

If you are creating a new transaction during reconciliation and sales taxes are part of the transaction, you must also enter transactions in the form.

To open the form

  1. Click > Common Forms> , and select the bank account for which to reconcile the bank statement.

  2. Click > , and enter values in three fields. Two fields are mandatory: the and fields. In the third field, , enter the balance of the bank account as it appears on the bank account statement.

  3. Click .

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

Create and view the transaction lines that are part of the bank statement reconciliation.

General tab

For the selected transaction line, view additional information about amount, payment, voucher, and purchase sales tax.

Dimension tab

Enter or view the dimensions that apply to the transaction line.




Post the transaction lines that reconcile company bank records with the bank statement, and record the bank statement as reconciled.

Define an interval of consecutive checks for which you want to select the check box.

View or edit the deposit slips of the bank account. You can enter a deposit slip number on the line, if appropriate.

View or edit the checks that have been issued on the bank account. You can enter a check number on the line, if appropriate.

View the original document that is the basis of the transaction line, if the program can identify it.

View the voucher that is the basis of the transaction line, if the program can identify it.

Print a reconciliation summary or the bank reconciliation report.




Enter the amount of the correction.

Select the type of transactions to view in the upper pane.

The balance of the bank account at the end of the last reconciliation.

The ending balance of the bank account as is entered in the form.

The amount to be accounted for in the bank statement reconciliation. When you include transactions in the reconciliation by selecting the check box – or by creating new transactions, for which this check box is automatically selected – the amount in this field is continuously recalculated. When the unreconciled amount is zero, and you have included all the transactions that appear on the bank account statement, you can post the account reconciliation.

Note Note

Click to post the account reconciliation.

Select to include the transaction in the account statement that you are reconciling.

Note Note

This check box is not available if the transaction has a status of . Transactions might have this status if your system is set up to require that reversals or cancellations be sent to review before they are posted. For more information, see Check reversals lines (form)or Deposit slip payment cancellations lines (form).

Select or revise the transaction type of each transaction as you perform the bank statement reconciliation. The transaction type allows you to sort and make calculations on various kinds of bank transactions.

View or enter the date of the transaction. When you create a new transaction in this form, the default for this field is the date that you entered in the field in the form, but you can change the date if necessary.

The posting date when the company gains knowledge of the transaction.

Note Note

(ITA) This field is available only if the configuration key for Italy is selected, and the field is selected in the form.

The check number of the transaction, if applicable.

The deposit slip in which the transaction is included.

The transaction amount in the currency specified for the bank account. If you enter a new transaction, enter the transaction amount in this field.

Note Note

The amount of a posted transaction cannot be changed. To correct the transaction amount, enter a correction amount in the field. The correction amount must be entered in the currency of the bank account.

Enter a correction amount to the original transaction amount, if appropriate.

Enter the ledger account that is offset by a bank transaction (either a new transaction or a correction amount) that you create during reconciliation. Select an appropriate offset account, either a posting account or an account according to the account type.

Note Note

To see the offset ledger account for one of the transactions that is already posted to the bank account, click .

Enter a short description of the transaction or the correction that you have created.

The sales tax group that is attached to the bank transaction that is selected on the tab.

The item sales tax group that is attached to the bank transaction that is selected on the tab.

The unique identifier of the bank account for which you are performing the bank statement reconciliation.

This check box is automatically selected when you create a transaction in this form to reconcile the bank statement.

The currency code of the bank account.

The transaction amount in the company currency. The company currency is specified in the form.

The currency value is calculated automatically using the exchange rate that is specified in the form for the transaction date.

Note Note

The amount of a posted transaction cannot be changed. To correct the transaction amount, enter a correction amount in the field. The correction amount must be entered in the currency of the bank account.

The currency code of the currency in which the transaction amount was posted. This currency is the currency of the bank account.

The amount in the currency of the bank account (registration currency).

The payment method of the transaction, if the transaction is posted as a payment in a journal.

A reference to the specific payment transaction. The payment reference is copied to this field when the journal is posted. You can identify reconciliation transactions easily by the value in this field.

If a transaction is recorded in the daily journal, the transaction voucher number is automatically copied to this field.

Note Note

When you create a transaction manually during reconciliation, it is automatically assigned a voucher number from the appropriate number sequence, and the field is automatically selected.

The dimension value that is posted with the bank transaction.

The dimension value that is posted with the bank transaction.

The dimension value that is posted with the bank transaction.

The bank transaction groups of the transactions that are included in the bank statement reconciliation. A bank transaction group can contain several bank transaction types.

The description of the bank transaction group.

The number of transactions that are selected as included in the bank statement reconciliation in the upper pane. For a transaction to be included in the bank statement reconciliation, the field on the transaction line in the upper pane must be selected.

The sum of the transaction amounts for the transactions that are included in the bank statement reconciliation, and that belong to the bank transaction group.

See Also