Configuration commands set the options that are used when a Microsoft Dynamics AX client starts. Configuration commands can be run directly from the following locations:
In a configuration file.
In the Configuration Command to run at kernel startupfield in either the Client Configuration Utility or Server Configuration Utility.
From a command prompt when starting a client or an Application Object Server (AOS) instance.
Configuration commands require that you use different syntax if you are setting them in a configuration file, or executing them in the Configuration Command to run at kernel startupfield or from a command prompt. The syntax variations are provided in the following sections. For information about executing configuration commands, see Executing configuration commands at startup.
This table describes the options you can use to work with configurations and files, as well as general startup options such as company, log file, and startup commands and messages.
Command in configuration file |
Command in command line |
Configuration utility option |
Description |
company,Text,< string> |
- company=< string> |
Company |
Specify the company that holds data for your application. |
log,Text, < path> |
- log=< path> |
Log directory |
Specify an alternate directory for the log files generated when you make changes in the Application Object Tree (AOT). |
helpdir,Text,< path> |
- helpDir=< path> |
No corresponding user interface value |
Specify the location where Help files are stored. For details, see Set Help file location. |
This command cannot be set in a file. |
- regConfig=< configname> |
Configuration |
Specify the name of the current group of settings for this Application Object Server (AOS) instance. |
startupcmd,Text,< command> |
- startupCmd=< command> |
Command to run at application startup |
Enter a SysStartupCmdmethod to run when this client application starts. For details, see Execute Startup Commands.
startupmsg,Text,< string> |
- startupmsg=< string> |
Startup message |
Specify text to display in a message box when Microsoft Dynamics AX starts. |
extracmd,Text,< command> |
- extracmd=< command> |
Configuration command to run at kernel startup |
Enter a configuration command to run when the kernel starts.
This command cannot be set in a file. |
- language=< string> |
No corresponding user interface value |
Change the language that a Microsoft Dynamics AX client uses when starting. In most instances, you should use the user management options to change a user's language. See Set a user's default languagefor details. Use this option only if a user has changed to a new language and the Microsoft Dynamics AX client is unable to open. |
This table describes the options you can use to connect to an AOS instance.
Command in configuration file |
Command from command line |
Configuration utility option |
Description |
aos2,text,< options> Options include: host - or - host:port |
- aos2=host - or - - aos2=host:port |
Application Object Server connection |
Specify connections to additional AOS instances. Instanceand portare optional. If portis not specified, the value defaults to 2712 |
aosencryption,Text,< 0,1> |
- aosencryption=< 0,1> |
Encrypt client to server communication |
Encrypt all data sent between this client and the AOS. |
useserverprinters,Int,1 |
- useserverprinters |
Connect to printers on the server |
This is a binary command that is not set by default. Allow client to connect to printers on the AOS computer. Similar settings must be set on the AOS instance to enable this functionality. |
This table describes the options you can use to set up the development environment.
Command in configuration file |
Command from command line |
Configuration utility option |
Description |
aol,Text, <string> |
- aol=< string> |
Layer to open in Application Object Tree |
Layer to open in the Application Object Tree (AOT) |
aolcode,Text, <string> |
- aolcode=< string> |
License code |
Developer license code to open development options in Microsoft Dynamics AX |
globalbreakpoints,Int,1 |
- globalbreakpoints |
Enable global breakpoints for debugging code running in the Business Connector or client |
This is a binary command that is not set by default. For all users, allow X++ code running in the Business Connector or client to be interrupted by global breakpoints |
xppdebug,Text,< 0,1> |
- xppdebug=< 0,1> |
Enable user breakpoints for debugging code running in the Business Connector |
For sessions owned by users for whom debug is enabled, allow X++ code running in the Business Connector to be interrupted by breakpoints. |
aotimportfile,text,< file.xpo> |
– aotimportfile=< File.xpo> |
Option not available in utility |
Import an xpo file and start a full compile of the AOT when the client starts. |
This table describes the options you can use to trace calls between a client, the AOS, and the database.
![]() |
The logdirdirectory where the trace files are stored cannot be changed. It is the installation directory\log. |
Command in configuration file |
Command from command line |
Configuration utility option |
Description |
TraceStart,Int,1 |
-TraceStart= |
Start trace Stop trace |
Specify whether trace should be started or stopped: 0 – Stop trace 1 – Start trace The default value is 0. |
traceeventsenabled,Text, < 1; 100; 101; 200; 201; 202; 203; 204; 205> |
-TraceEventsEnabled=< 1; 100; 101; 200; 201; 202; 203; 204; 205> |
For descriptions, see the following options. |
Specify the event types to be enabled. You can enable multiple event types using a semicolon ;as the delimiter. For detailed descriptions, see the following options. The default value is 1. |
traceeventsenabled,Text,1 |
-TraceEventsEnabled=1 |
RPC round trips to server |
Trace all remote procedure call (RPC) round trips from any client to the server. |
traceeventsenabled,Text,100 |
-TraceEventsEnabled=100 |
X++ method calls |
Trace all X++ methods that are invoked on the server. |
traceeventsenabled,Text,101 |
-TraceEventsEnabled=101 |
Function calls |
Trace all function calls that are invoked on the server. |
traceeventsenabled,Text,200 |
-TraceEventsEnabled=200 |
Connect and disconnect |
Trace each time the AOS connects and disconnects from the database. |
traceeventsenabled,Text,201 |
-TraceEventsEnabled=201 |
Transactions: TTSBegin, TTSCommit, TTSAbort |
Trace all transactions that use the
traceeventsenabled,Text,202 |
-TraceEventsEnabled=202 |
SQL statements |
Trace all SQL Server statements that are invoked on the server. |
traceeventsenabled,Text,203 |
-TraceEventsEnabled=203 |
Bind variables |
Trace all columns that are used as input bind variables.
traceeventsenabled,Text,204 |
-TraceEventsEnabled=204 |
Row fetch |
Trace all rows that are fetched using SQL Server.
traceeventsenabled,Text,205 |
-TraceEventsEnabled=205 |
Row fetch summary (count and time) |
Count all rows that are fetched, and record the time spent fetching.
tracexppmethodcalldepth,Text,< number> |
-TraceXppMethodCallDepth=< number> |
Number of nested calls: |
Specify the maximum call depth to be traced for X++ methods, effective only when X++ methods are traced.
The default value is 3. |
tracemaxfilesize,Text,< number> |
-TraceMaxFileSize=< number> |
Option not available in utility |
Specify the maximum size for each trace file in megabytes (MB). The default value is 10MB. |
tracebuffersize,Text,< number> |
-TraceBufferSize=< 0:64> |
Option not available in utility |
Specify the Event Tracing for Windows buffer size, in kilobytes (KB). The maximum size that can be set is 64KB. The default value is 20KB. |
configuration options
In the configuration files generated by Microsoft Dynamics AX, you may see unfamiliar options. Some are legacy options (configuration options from previous versions) that are not in use. Other configuration options remain in both the client or server configuration files, although they only apply to client or server, because in previous product versions the utilities were combined. We recommend that you do not change values for these options; unexpected results may occur.
Value in configuration file |
Applies to |
directory,Text,<pathname> |
Server |
client,Text,thin |
Legacy |
broadcast,Text, |
Legacy |
sql,Int,1 |
Server |
native,Int,0 |
Legacy |
fetchahead,Text, |
Server |
opencursors,Text, |
Server |
database,Text, |
Server |
dsn,Text, |
Server |
sqluser,Text, |
Legacy |
hint,Text, |
Server |
sqlbuffer,Text, |
Server |
log,Text, |
Server |
hassqlpwd,Int,0 |
Legacy |
sqlpwd,Text, |
Legacy |
retry,Text, |
Server |
dbserver,Text, |
Server |
localappldoc,Int,0 |
Legacy |
localsysdoc,Int,0 |
Legacy |
applshare,Int,1 |
Legacy |
applexclusive,Int,0 |
Legacy |
hascompwd,Int,0 |
Legacy |
compwd,Text, |
Legacy |
hasserveridletimeout,Int,0 |
Server |
serveridletimeout,Text, |
Server |
connectionidletimeout,Text, |
Server |
port,Text, |
Server |
createdsn,Text, |
Server |
allowunauth,Int,0 |
Legacy |
sqlformliterals,Text,1 |
Server |
sqlcomplexliterals,Text,1 |
Server |
ignoredatasourceindex,Text,0 |
Server |
dbcli,Text,odbc |
Server |
dbunicodeenabled,Text,1 |
Legacy |
newconnectionretrydelayms,Text, |
Server |
newconnectionretrycount,Text, |
Server |
cachesynctime,Text, |
Server |
_clientadname,Text, |
Legacy |