Configuration commands set the options that are used when an Application Object Server (AOS) instance starts. Configuration commands can be run directly from the following locations:

  • In a configuration file.

  • In the Configuration Command to run at kernel startupfield in the Server Configuration Utility.

  • From a command prompt when starting an AOS instance.

Configuration commands require that you use different syntax if you are setting them in a configuration file, or executing them in the Configuration Command to run at kernel startupfield or from a command prompt. The syntax variations are provided in the following sections.

For details on how to execute configuration commands, see Executing configuration commands at startup.

General options

This table describes the general options you can use to work with configurations and files.

Command in configuration file

Command from command line

Configuration utility option


This command cannot be set in a file.

- regConfig=< configname>


Specify the name of the current group of settings for this AOS instance.

Application Object Server options

This table describes the options you can use to manage how an AOS functions.

Command in configuration file

Command from command line

Configuration utility option


application,Text,< applicationname>

- application=< applicationname>

Application instance

Specify the instance of an application that the AOS instance connects to.

bindir,Text,< path>

- bindir=< path>

Alternate bin directory

Specify the location of a directory containing an alternate kernel text data file (one of the Microsoft Dynamics AX label files).


- compressiondisabled

Option not available in utility

This is a binary command that is not set by default. When this value is absent, data sent between the AOS and its clients is compressed to speed client-server communications.

If the value is present, then compression of packets is turned off. To turn on packet compression, remove the value from the configuration file.

We recommend that you not disable compression. Disabling compressions can negatively affect system performance and security.

compressionminsize,Text,< number>

- compressionminsize=< number>

Minimum packet size to compress

Specify the smallest useful packet size to compress. The larger the packet size chosen, the smaller the gains in speed.

directory,Text,< path>

- directory=< spath>

Application file location

Specify the location of the application files for the AOS instance to connect and write to.


- exposeserverprinters

Allow clients to connect to printers on this server

This is a binary command that is not set by default. When this value is present, clients are allowed to connect to printers that are connected to the AOS computer.

port,Text,< portnumber>

- port=< portnumber>

TCP/IP port

The TCP/IP port that the AOS instance should use to connect to clients. The default value is 2712.

xppdebug,Text,< 0,1>

- xppdebug=< 0,1>

Enable breakpoints to debug X++ code running on this server

Enable clients to trace their interactions with this AOS instance. The default is off (0).

caslevel,Text,< enable/disable/trace>

- caslevel=< enable/disable/trace>

Option not available in utility

Code Access Security (CAS) is the mechanism in Microsoft Dynamics AX that is used to protect specific APIs. For a list of these APIs, see Secured APIs.

Enable, the default setting, activates CAS for all CAS-protected APIs. If a CAS-protected API is invoked without following the correct consumer steps, an error is generated.

Traceis used to simulate CAS being enabled. An error is not generated if a CAS-protected API is invoked incorrectly. Instead, debug information is written to the Infolog. Use in development or test environments to determine the changes that need to be made to get the system working.

Important Important

Do not set the caslevelto Tracein production environments.

Disabledisables CAS entirely.

Important Important

Do not set the caslevelto Disablein production environments.

For more information about securing APIs, see How to: Secure an API on the AOS.

MaxConcurrentUISessions,Text,< value>

- MaxConcurrentUISessions=< value>

Set the maximum number of concurrent Microsoft Dynamics AX client sessions.

The minimum value is 0, the maximum value (and default) is 65535.

For details about using this setting to tune AOS performance, see Tune Application Object Server performance.

MaxConcurrentGuestSessions,Text,< value>

- MaxConcurrentGuestSessions=< value>

Set the maximum number of concurrent Guest (anonymous user) sessions.

The minimum value is 0, the maximum value (and default) is 65535.

For details about using this setting to tune AOS performance, see Tune Application Object Server performance.

MaxConcurrentWebSessions,Text,< value>

- MaxConcurrentWebSessions=< value>

Set the maximum number of concurrent Enterprise Portal sessions, including Guest sessions.

The minimum value is 0, the maximum value (and default) is 65535.

For details about using this setting to tune AOS performance, see Tune Application Object Server performance.

For details about using this setting to protect system security, see Security considerations and best practices.

MaxConcurrentBCSessions,Text,< value>

- MaxConcurrentBCSessions=< value>

Set the maximum number of concurrent Business Connector sessions, including all Web sessions (all Web sessions come through Business Connector).

The default value is 65535.

For details about using this setting to tune AOS performance, see Tune Application Object Server performance.

MaxMemLoad,Text,< value>

- MaxMemLoad=< value>

Set the maximum amount of memory usage (the maximum percentage of physical memory that is in use on the computer).

The default value is 0.

For details about using this setting to tune AOS performance, see Tune Application Object Server performance.

For details about using this setting to protect system security, see Security considerations and best practices.

MaxConcurrentSessions,Int,< value>

- MaxConcurrentSessions=< value>

Maximum number of client sessions

Set the maximum number of client sessions this AOS instance will accept.

The minimum value is 0, the maxiumum value (and default) is 65535.


- LoadBalance=<0,1>

Make this AOS instance part of the load balancing cluster

Set this AOS instance to load balance client connection requests with other AOS instances that also have load balancing enabled.

startupcmd,Text,< command>

- startupCmd=< command>

Command to run at application startup

Enter a SysStartupCmdmethod to run when this client application starts. For details, see Execute Startup Commands.

extracmd,Text,< command>

- extracmd=< command>

Configuration command to run at kernel startup

Enter any configuration command to run when the kernel starts.

Database connection options

This table describes the options you can use to connect to a database.

Command in configuration file

Command from command line

Configuration utility option


createdsn,Text, < microsoftsqlserver, oracle>

createdsn=< microsoftsqlserver, oracle>

Option not available in utility

Create the data source in the ODBC manager.

dsn,text,< portnumber>

-dsn=< portnumber>

Option not available in utility

Point to a specific data source.

database,Text,< databasename>

-database=< databasename>

Database to connect to

Specify the database to connect to.

dbcli,Text,< ODBC, OCI>

- dbcli=< ODBC, OCI>

Option not available in utility

Run Microsoft Dynamics AX in either ODBC or OCI (Oracle) mode. ODBC is the default.

dbserver,Text,< servername>

-dbserver=< servername>

Option not available in utility

SQL Server name.

Database tuning options

This table describes the options you can use to tune database performance.

Command in configuration file

Command from command line

Configuration utility option


connectionidletimeout,Text,< 0,1>

-connectionidletimeout=< 0,1>

Leave the connection running when idle

Retain a connection to the database when no transactions are running.

connectionidletimeout,Text,< time>

-connectionidletimeout=< time>

Maximum idle time before closing

Specify the amount of time to leave a database connection idle before closing it.

fetchahead,Text,< number>

-fetchahead=< number>

Array fetch ahead

Specify the maximum number of records that the system fetches at the same time. Starts as your local default computer setting of 100.


-hint=< 0, 1>

Allow INDEX hints in queries

Enable any query written with an INDEXhint to override the index selected by the database management system.


-hint=< 0, 2>

Include LTRIM in all SELECT statements to remove leading space from right-aligned columns

Add LTRIMto all queries generated by Microsoft Dynamics AX. Using LTRIMforces the database to perform a table scan, which can slow query results. Set to 2 to enable this feature, and 0 to disable it.

ignoredatasourceindex,Text,< 0,1>

-ignoredatasourceindex=< 0, 1>

Generate ORDER BY clauses from WHERE clauses

Set to 1 to override the ordering specified by the index on the data source, using the order of the columns as specified in the WHEREclause. This can improve query performance.

newconnectionretrycount,Text,< number>

-newconnectionretrycount=< number>

Number of connection retries

Specify the number of times to try connecting to the database before failing.

newconnectionretrydelayms,Text,< time>

-newconnectionretrydelayms=< time>

Connection retry interval

Specify the interval between attempts to connect to the database in milliseconds.

opencursors,Text,< number>

-opencursors=< number>

Maximum open cursors

Specify the maximum number of database cursors to keep open for reuse in a connection. Starts as your local computer setting, which defaults to 90.

retry,Text,< time>

-retry=< time>

Transaction retry interval (in seconds)

Specify the delay before re-executing a transaction after a deadlock. The default value is 5 seconds.

sqlbuffer,Text,< number>

-sqlbuffer=< number>

Maximum buffer size

Specify the maximum size of the data retrieval buffer. The larger the buffer, the greater the number of records transferred at the same time. Starts as your local default computer setting of 24.

sqlcomplexliterals,Text,< 0,1>

-sqlcomplexliterals=< 0,1>

Use literals in complex joins from X++

Specify that Microsoft Dynamics AX use literals rather than parameters for complex joins to optimize performance.

sqlformliterals,Text, < 0,1>

-sqlformliterals=< 0, 1>

Use literals in join queries from forms and reports

Specify that Microsoft Dynamics AX use literals rather than parameters in long-running queries to optimize performance.

Tracing options

This table describes the options you can use to trace calls between the AOS, the database and clients.

Note Note

The logdirdirectory where the trace files are stored cannot be changed. It is the server installation directory\log.

Command in configuration file

Command from command line

Configuration utility option




Start trace

Stop trace

Specify whether trace should be started or stopped:

0 – stop trace

1 – start trace

The default value is 0.

traceeventsenabled,Text, < 1; 100; 101; 200; 201; 202; 203; 204; 205>

-TraceEventsEnabled=< 1; 100; 101; 200; 201; 202; 203; 204; 205>

See below

Specify the event types to be enabled. You can enable multiple event types using a semi-colon (;) as the delimiter. See below for detailed descriptions. The default value is 1.



RPC round trips to server

Trace all remote procedure call (RPC) round trips from any client to the server.



X++ method calls

Trace all X++ methods that are invoked on the server.



Function calls

Trace all function calls that are invoked on the server.



Connect and disconnect

Trace each time the AOS connects and disconnects from the database.



Transactions: TTSBegin, TTSCommit, TTSAbort

Trace all transactions that use the TTSBegin, TTSCommit, and TTSAbortstatements.



SQL statements

Trace all SQL Server statements that are invoked on the server.



Bind variables

Trace all columns that are used as input bind variables.

Note Note

SQL Statements (202) must also be on to enable this option.



Row fetch

Trace all rows that are fetched using SQL Server.

Note Note

SQL Statements (202) must also be on to enable this option.



Row fetch summary (count and time)

Count all rows that are fetched, and record the time spent fetching.

Note Note

SQL Statements (202) must also be on to enable this option.

tracexppmethodcalldepth,Text,< number>

-TraceXppMethodCallDepth=< number>

Number of nested calls:

Specify the maximum call depth to be traced for X++ methods.

Note Note

TraceEventsEnabledmust also be set to 100 to use this command.

The default value is 3.

tracemaxfilesize,Text,< number>

-TraceMaxFileSize= < number>

Option not available in utility

Specify the maximum size for each trace file in megabytes (MB).

The default value is 10MB.

tracebuffersize,Text,< number>

-TraceBufferSize= < 0:64>

Option not available in utility

Specify the Event Tracing for Windows buffer size, in kilobytes (KB). The maximum size that can be set is 64KB.

The default value is 20KB.



Allow client tracing on Application Object Server instance

This is a binary command that is not set by default. Specify whether client tracing is allowed on this AOS instance.

Unfamiliar configuration options

In the configuration files generated by Microsoft Dynamics AX, you may see unfamiliar options. Some are legacy options (configuration options from previous versions) that are not in use. Other configuration options remain in both the client or server configuration files, although they only apply to client or server, because in previous product versions the utilities were combined. We recommend that you do not change values for these options; unexpected results may occur.

Value in configuration file

Applies to





















































See Also