Use this form to override the pay agreement that is set up for an employee. The override applies only for a specific employee on a specific day.
A pay agreement is a set of rules that determines how pay transactions for each employee should be generated. The set up is given for each day of the week.
the form
The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Tab |
Description |
Create, edit or delete the lines from the pay agreement. |
Get information about one specific pay type. |
Button |
Description |
Retrieve the current pay agreement for overriding. |
Cancel the override. |
Field |
Description |
The employee's identification number. |
Profile date to which the item is linked. |
Pay agreement to which the item is linked. |
Number of minutes to be deducted from pay if an employee is late. |
Pay type paid to the employee if the conditions are met. |
Enter a factor to multiply the pay quantity by.
Description of the pay type. |
Set a start time for when the selected pay type is paid.
End time of when the selected pay type is paid. |
Moves the start time either one day forward or one day back. Select a minus sign if the start time that is stated in the field is on the previous day. Select a plus sign if the start time that is stated in the field is on the next day. |
Set a minimum for the wage type before the selected pay type is paid.
Set a maximum for the wage type for the selected pay type to be paid. When the maximum is reached, this pay type is no longer be paid. |
Shows the weekday for the start time. |
Shows the weekday for the end time. |
For seniority bonuses, enter the minimum seniority for receiving the bonus. |
For seniority bonuses enter the maximum seniority for receiving the bonus. |
Specify whether the seniority minimum is stated in months or days. |
Specify whether the seniority maximum is stated in months or days. |
Select the type of rounding to be applied to the time. |
The number to round off to, stated in centihours. A centihour is equal to one hour divided by 100. Example If the is set to , then is set to 00.25, then the actual time is rounded upwards to the nearest quarter. |
Select to round off before multiplying the number in the field. |
Apply a count unit on this pay agreement line. See also About pay adjustments and count units. |
When this level is reached on the count unit, the selected pay type is no longer paid. |
Minimum of time on the count unit before the selected pay type is paid. |
Identification of the pay period the count unit is applied on. |
Select a switch code to delimit this pay agreement line or to switch the pay type.
This pay type replaces the pay type on the line if the switch code in the box has been registered on the day. |
Factor used to multiply the pay quantity if the has been triggered. |
Select an operation if this type of pay is paid only when performing a specific production operation. |
Select a project if this type of pay is paid only when working on a specific project. |
Select a project if this type of pay is paid only when working on a specific project activity. |
Select an absence code if this type of pay is triggered only for a specific type of absence. |
Select the on call activity for paying out a specific on-call bonus. See also About indirect activities. |
Select a profile if the pay agreement line is triggered only when a specific profile is applied to the employee on the day. |
Select a skill that triggers a special bonus. |
If a skill is selected, select a certain level of that skill that this bonus requires. |
Select a certificate if this is required to trigger this pay agreement line. |
Select a if this is a bonus paid out only on such a day. |
Select if the quantity that is specified in the field is paid, even if no work or pay time has been registered during calculation.
Enter the quantity of the specified pay type to be paid when no pay time is registered for the employee. |
Select to use the quantity in the box even though pay time has been registered. |
Select to reverse the sign of the pay transaction. Negative quantities become positive and positive quantities become negative.
Select and the employee is not paid, but the amount is included in the calculation of the cost.
Select whether this pay type is paid as an hourly rate or for piecework or both. |