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Use this form to create repair lines for service objects on service orders.

On the repair line, define the symptoms, diagnosis, and resolution. You can also type a note about the repair and special issues that need to be logged. You can create repair lines for each step in the repair process.

Note Note

Attach at least one service object to a service order to create repair lines.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

View and edit information about the repair, such as the condition, symptom, diagnosis, and resolution.

General tab

View and edit information about the related service order and service object.

Type additional information about the repair.




Select the option that describes the condition under which the problem occurs.

Conditions are created and maintained in the form.

Select the area of the problem.

Symptom areas are created and maintained in the form.

Select the specific description of the problem.

Symptom codes are created and maintained in the form.

Type a short description of the repair problem.

Select the area of the technician's investigation.

Diagnosis areas are created and maintained in the form.

Select the specific solution for the problem.

Diagnosis codes are created and maintained in the form.

Select the resolution of the repair request.

Resolutions are created and maintained in the form.

Select the current stage of the repair.

If you select a repair stage that is marked as in the form, the field in the section are updated.

Repair stages are created and maintained in the form.

Select the technician who will perform the repair.

View the service order that is associated with the repair line.

The field is automatically populated.

Select the service object to be repaired.

View the time and the date that the repair order was created.

View the date and time that the repair was finished.

Type a note to provide additional information about the repair.

See Also