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Use this form to create and maintain new e-mail groups.

An e-mail group:

  • Is collection of e-mail addresses, facilitating e-mail messages to all members of the e-mail group

  • Can consist of one or several members

  • Can be composed of contact person and/or employee mail addresses (as some employees might benefit from the e-mail messages sent to contact person.)

The e-mail group members can be chosen from either the table, the table, or an entire sales unit.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

Provides an overview of all the e-mail groups.

General tab

Provides more detailed information on the active e-mail group, adding a description to the active e-mail group selected on the tab.




Open the form and connect a contact person, employee, or entire sales unit to the active e-mail group.




The e-mail group of which the contact person and/or employee is a member of.

The e-mail group's category.

This field refers to the e-mail categories, set up in and serves to identify the e-mail messages from the e-mail group.

A more precise and detailed description of the e-mail group and its category.

See Also