To generate a deferrals write-off voucher using the Linear with factormethod in the Writing off methodsform, you must first calculate the corresponding write-off ratio.
Set up the
deferred expenses write-off method
Click General ledger> Setup> Deferrals> Writing off methodsto open the Writing off methodsform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the Writing off methodfield, enter the write-off method code.
In the Namefield, enter the method name.
In the Typefield, select Linear with factor.
In the Writing off periodfield, select the write-off period.
Click the Generaltab. In the Calculation periodfield, select the calculation period from the following options:
Month– The deferrals write-off calculation is performed proportionately for the number of months in the given period.
Day– The calculation is performed proportionately for the number of days in the selected period. This allows calculation of the deferrals write-off amount for an incomplete reporting period, based on the number of calendar days in the period.
Period– The calculation is performed proportionately for the number of periods that are defined in the Writing off periodfield.
This field is activated only if you select Linearor Linear with factorin the Typefield on the Overviewtab. The calculation period defines what level of detail to use when performing the calculation.
In the Round-offfield, enter the round-off value for the deferrals write-off amount. For example, if you specify the value 0.01, values will be rounded to two decimal places.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Calculate the
deferrals writing off ratio
Click General ledger> Periodic> Deferrals> Writing off factor calculationto open the Deferrals writing off factor calculationform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the Start datefield, select the starting date of the calculation period.
In the Period typefield, select the period type.
The End datefield is updated automatically based on the period type selected in the Period typefield.
Click Sequencesto open the Writing off factor calculationform and view the sequences for the deferrals writing off ratio calculation.
Click Calculating> Calculate all
Calculating> Calculate markedto open the Writing off factor calculationform.
Select the Overwritecheck box to recalculate the existing ratios if the deferral's counter calculation has been changed.
Click OKto calculate the ratios.
The write-off ratios are calculated and recorded in the corresponding deferrals voucher.
Enter the
deferrals write-off ratio
Click General ledger> Periodic> Deferrals> Writing off factor calculation> Factorsto open the Factors for deferrals writing offform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the Start datefield, select the starting date of the calculation period.
In the Expense codefield, select the expense code.
In the Deferrals groupfield, select the deferrals group.
In the Ratiofield, enter the calculated ratio for the deferral group and expense code.
In the Normalized amountfield, view the write-off sum based on the calculated ratio. In the Base amountfield, view the calculated amount for the selected period by the deferrals group and expense code.
Click Print> OKto print a report of the calculated deferrals write-off ratios.
In Factors for deferrals writing offform, click Delete> OKto delete the write-off factors.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.