General ledger> Setup> Financial reports generator> Periods of formats application
Descriptions of the Russian Federation tax report formats are available for download at The Periods of formats application directory contains the format settings for electronic reporting, as well as additional settings to aid in correct configuration and loading of the reports. In addition, the directory contains the report structure that is loaded automatically from the XSD schema for the file.
You can add versions to the format directory manually or automatically.
Task that uses this form
Navigating the form
The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Tab |
Description |
Overview |
Enter the format version details. |
General |
View or modify the format version details. |
XSD text |
View the XSD schema content. |
Button |
Description |
Load XSD schema |
Open the Load XSD schemaform to add a format version manually to the Periods of formats application directory. |
Import of SPPFD |
Open the Section of KNDform to add a format version automatically to the Periods of formats application directory. |
Field |
Description |
Format version |
Enter an identification code for the format version. |
KND code |
Enter the tax declaration code. |
Form name |
Enter the name of the NBO (Nalogovaya Buhgalterskaya Otchetnost) format. |
Format part number |
Enter the NBO format part number. |
Number of version |
Enter the NBO format version number. |
Application start date |
Select the starting date for applying the NBO format. |
First application period |
Enter the first tax reporting period for applying the NBO format. |
Application end date |
Select the end date for applying the NBO format. |
Number in formats register |
Enter the format version number in the federal registry for the submission of legislation reporting. |
File name prefix |
Enter the default prefix for the file name.
File name |
Select the fixed requisite of type File namefor the electronic report. |
Format |
Select the format code for the fixed requisite. |
( NBO form) Resolution number and approval date |
Enter the NBO form resolution number and approval date. |
Note |
Enter a note on the format period. |
XSD schema name |
The XSD schema file name. |
XSD schema |
The XSD schema content.