You can use the Vendor bank accountform to generate domestic vendor payments and exchange data with the vendor bank account.
Click Accounts payable> Common Forms> Vendor Details.
On the Overviewtab, press CTRL+N to create a vendor profile.
For more information, see "Vendors (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Click Setup> Bank accountsto open the Vendor bank accountsform.
Press CTRL+N to create a vendor bank account.
Enter the required details.
For more information, see "Vendor bank accounts (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
In the Routing numberfield, enter the vendor bank routing number.
The bank routing number should contain only eight digits.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
In the Vendorsform, click the Paymenttab.
In the Method of paymentfield, select the code for the payment method for the vendor.
In the Bank accountfield, select the vendor bank account.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.