Bank> Periodic> Bank> Exchange adjustment


Accounts payable> Periodic> Advance holders> Exchange adjustment

Use this form to run a query when making currency exchange adjustments for bank accounts. You can also use this form to calculate an exchange adjustment for transactions with advance holders.

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





View the details of the exchange adjustment.


View the information for the advance holder selected on the Overviewtab.


View notes about the exchange adjustment.




Exchange adjustment

Assign parameters for calculating the exchange rate adjustment.


Review the completed transactions for the general ledger.


Open the Adv. holder transactionsform to view the posted exchange adjustment transactions.


Mark selected adjustment transactions as reviewed.




On date

Select the date of the revaluation.

From currency, To currency

Select the currency codes for which the revaluation is done.

Bank account

The code for the bank account that was selected during the setup of additional criteria.

Execution date

Enter the date on which the exchange adjustment was run.


The method of the exchange adjustment.


Select the exchange adjustment according to the review status from the following options:

  • All

  • Reviewed

  • Not reviewed

Considered date

Enter the date on which open transactions are adjusted and posted.

Date of rate

Enter the date that determines the exchange rates for the exchange adjustment.

Use posting profile from

Select the posting profile used for adjustment from the following options:

  • Posting– Revaluation will be performed for all posting profiles of advance holders.

  • Select– Revaluation will be performed for the profile indicated in the Posting profilefield.

Posting profile

Select the posting profile used for adjustment transactions if Selectwas chosen in the Use posting profile fromfield.


Enter the origin of dimensions posted on the exchange adjustment transactions from the following options:

  • None –No dimension in the entry for exchange rate adjustment forecast.

  • Table– The dimension is inherited from the advance holder card, except for the dimension designated for tax accounting. This dimension is displayed automatically from the Exchange rate adjustment forecaststab on the Currency exchange rateform.

  • Posting The dimension is displayed from the transactions for an advance holder.


Select this check box to review the exchange adjustment.

See Also