When conducting transactions in foreign currency, you might have a shortage of funds in your foreign currency accounts and excess funds in your ruble accounts. In this case, your company can issue a purchase order for currency from a bank where it has open accounts. The bank transfers the funds that are necessary to purchase the currency from the ruble account to a transit account. After the currency is purchased, the currency is transferred to the company's foreign currency account. Any profit or loss resulting from this transaction is transferred to the profit or loss accounts.
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You must specify the file format for the currency purchase order. |
Click Bank> Setup> Parametersto open the Bank parametersform.
On the Number sequencestab, in the Referencefield, set a number sequence code for a Currency transfer order.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click Bank> Common Forms> Bank Account Detailsto open the Bank accountsform.
On the Setuptab, in the Purchase order for currencyfield group, in the Payment order templatefield, select the path to the template.
The template folder must be set up in the Report Folderfield on the Othertab in the Company informationform.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.