Inventory management> Periodic> Close and adjustment in currency> Settlements> Transaction

Navigating the form

The following table provides descriptions for the controls in this form.





The inventory posting currency:

  • Main

  • Secondary

Settlement type

Displays the settlement type from the following options:

  • Issue– The cost price adjustment for an issue transaction during a receipt and issue settlement.

  • Receipt– The cost price adjustment for a receipt transaction during a receipt and issue settlement.

  • Complete Adjustment– The adjustment for the entire quantity of the transaction.

  • Balance Adjustment– The adjustment for the open quantity of the transaction.

  • Totaled– The grouping of settlements using the Inventory settlements clean upform.

    Note Note

    The settlements marked as canceled in the Canceledfield, are deleted for the indicated date. Other settlements are grouped by certain fields, with old lines being deleted and a new one with the Totaledtype added.

See Also