You can set up a number sequence for sales packing slips by warehouse in the Accounts receivable parametersform. You can number delivery documents separately for each warehouse.
Click Accounts receivable> Setup> Parametersto open the Accounts receivable parametersform.
On the Updatestab, select the Independent delivery note numberingcheck box.
On the Number sequencestab, select a number sequence for the reference type as Packing slip.
Click Warehousesto open the Sales – delivery note numberingform.
In the Warehousefield, select the warehouses.
In the Number sequence codefield, enter the packing slip number sequence codes for each warehouse.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
You can also set up delivery document numbering by warehouse for a specific customer number sequence group. To do this, select a specific warehouse in the Posting packing slipform. The order status after posting will not change to Deliveredor Receivedin the Sales orderform until all sales lines for all warehouses are posted.