Click Fixed assets> Common Forms> Fixed assets> Value models> Transactions
Fixed assets> Inquiries> Transactionsto open the FA transactionsform.
Select a Written off (sale)or Writing-offtransaction to reverse a disposal sale for a fixed asset.
Click Reverse transactionto open the Reverse transactionform.
In the Reverse datefield, enter the transaction reversal date, if necessary.
In the FA value modelsform, the transactions for all the fixed asset models are updated at the same time, and the fixed asset status changes from Closedto Operation.
Click OKto reverse the original transaction.
The reverse transaction is displayed in the FA transactionsform.
Click Fixed assets> Common Forms> Fixed assetsto open the Fixed assetsform to reverse the write-off transaction.
Select the reversed fixed asset with a Written off (sale)or Writing-offstatus, and then click Value models> Transactionsto open the FA transactionsform.
Select the transaction and click Reverse transaction. The fixed asset transaction and all ledger transactions related to it are reversed.
You must reverse the write-off transaction for each value model in order to return the fixed asset status to Exploitation.