The cash due announcement report is the cash-in-hand acceptance by the bank. The Cash due announcement allows you to export the unified report (0402001.xlt) to the registered bank when updating the journal. To activate the cash due announcement function, select the Use confirm statuscheckbox in the Bank parametersform.
Set up a
number sequence for a cash due announcement
Click Bank> Setup> Parametersto open the Bank parametersform.
Click the Number sequencetab.
In the Number sequence codefield, select the number sequence code for the Referencetype Cash due announcement.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Set up a cash
due announcement for a ledger account
Click Bank> Setup> Bank transaction typeto open the Bank transaction typeform.
Click CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the Bank transaction typefield, enter the bank transaction type code.
In the Namefield, enter the description for the bank transaction type.
In the Ledger accountfield, select the ledger account number for posting the bank transaction.
Select the Allow cash due announcementcheck box to allow creation of a cash due announcement for bank transactions.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.