You can transfer a fixed asset internally between departments of the company. Several assets or inventory assets can be transferred at the same time using the transfer journal.
Transfer one
asset internally using the Fixed assets form
Click Fixed assets> Common Forms> Fixed assets.
On the Generaltab, select the specific fixed asset line to be transferred.
In the Locationfield, select the new location of the fixed asset.
In the This change will be logged. Proceed?form, enter the date of the transaction in the Datefield.
In the Reason codefield, enter the code that represents the reason for transfer.
Click OK.
Transfer one
asset internally using the Fixed Asset transfer journal
Click Fixed assets> Transfer journals> FA Transfer.
Select the asset to transfer.
In the Datefield, enter the transfer date.
The journal number is displayed based on the configured number sequence, or you can enter it manually.
In the Previous person in chargefield, select the employee in charge of transferring the assets or inventory asset.
This step is required only if another employee is assuming charge of the assets.
In the Old locationfield, select the location that the assets are being transferred from.
If you are changing only the person in charge, it is not necessary to enter a change of location.
In the New person in chargeand New location fields, select the person in charge and the new location, respectively.
The Postedcheck box is selected automatically after the fixed asset transfer history is displayed.
Click Closeto post the voucher.