To meet legal requirements, all Latvian companies must report used invoice numbers to the sales tax authorities on a quarterly basis. The report must be submitted in XML format. The Report of used invoice numbersallows you to export data into an XML file for electronic reporting.

  1. Click Accounts receivable> Reports> Invoice numbers> Report of used invoice numbers.

  2. In the Reportfield, select or modify the date of the transaction.

  3. In the Quarterfield, select or modify the quarter in which the transaction took place.

  4. In the Yearfield, enter the calendar year of the transaction.

  5. In the Authorityfield, select or modify the account number of the sales tax authority.

  6. In the Send tofield, select the desired output from the following options:

    • Internal– Generate a standard version of the report.

    • XML– Generate and save the report as an XML file in a specified folder.

    • Both– Generate both formats.

  7. In the File namefield, select or modify the folder name and path for the XML file.

  8. In the Printed byfield, select or modify the employee number of the person who is responsible for the report.

  9. Click OKto print the report.

See Also