Before you can create transactions for a fixed or intangible asset, you must register a new asset record, and then enter basic information about the asset into the record.
Click Fixed Assets> Common Forms> Fixed assetsto open the Fixed assetsform.
On the Overviewtab, press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the FA groupfield, select the group for the fixed asset.
In the FA numberfield, enter the fixed asset number.
If the Autonumeration FAcheck box is selected in the Fixed Asset Parametersform, this information is displayed automatically.
In the Namefield, enter a description of the fixed asset.
The status Scheduledis automatically displayed In the Statusfield when a fixed asset transaction is created. The current date is displayed in the Procurement datefield. The Procurement datecan be edited, but the procurement date cannot be later than the date that the asset is placed into operation.
In the Acquisition costfield, enter the fixed asset acquisition value in the company's primary currency.
If the fixed asset was bought through a purchase order, the invoice amount is displayed without taxes in the primary currency.
Click the Generaltab, and in the Notefield, enter any additional information about the fixed asset.
In the Typefield, select a fixed asset type.
In the Policy numberfield, enter the insurance policy number, if the fixed asset is insured.
In the Insured Sumfield, enter the amount that the asset is insured for.
In the Replacement costfield, enter the replacement cost of the fixed asset.
In the Insurance date 1and Insurance date 2 fields, enter the starting and ending coverage dates for the insurance policy.
In the Property flagfield, select the ownership of the property from the following:
Own –The company owns the property.
Oper. Control– The company controls the operation of the property.
Leased– The company leases the property.
Ownership outside Russia– A company or an individual situated outside Russia owns the property.
In the Bar codefield, enter the bar code manually. If you do not enter a bar code, one that is the same as the fixed asset number will be automatically generated.
To automatically generate a bar code, select the Bar code equals FA numbercheck box in the Fixed Assets Parametersform.
In the Locationfield, select the location of the fixed asset.
In the Person in chargefield, select the name of the company employee in charge of the fixed asset.
In the Output/runfield, enter the estimated value of production or travel if you selected the production units or distance traveled depreciation profile.
Click the Technical Informationtab.
In the manufacturer/producerfield, enter the name of the manufacturer of the fixed asset.
In the Modelfield, enter the model number of the asset.
In the Serial numberfield, enter the serial number of the asset.
In the Guarantee datefield, enter the starting date for the guarantee for the asset.
Enter the following vehicle details in the Vehiclefield group:
Vehicle type– Select the vehicle type ID.
Model type– Select the vehicle model.
Reg. No.– Enter the vehicle registration number.
Date of the registration– Enter the vehicle registration date.
The Vehiclefield group is available only if Vehicleis selected as the fixed asset type.
Enter the following ground area details in the Ground areafield group:
Category ID– Select the ground area category code.
Cadastral number– Enter the cadastral number of the ground area.
Start date of building– Enter the construction start date.
The Ground areafield group is available only if Ground areais selected as the fixed asset type.
In the Release yearfield, enter the release or the construction year for the asset.
The value displayed in the Useful life-timefield is the difference between the entered year in the Release yearfield and the current year.
Click the Tax accountstab.
In the Tax basefield, enter the tax base, based on the engine power (, jet traction (kilo-f), gross tonnage (t), or any other technical details of the vehicle, or the cadastral cost of the ground area.
This field is available only if Vehicleor Ground areais selected as the fixed asset type.
In the Unitfield, select the tax base unit.
This field is available only if Vehicleis selected as the fixed asset type.
The following fields are available if Ground areais selected as the fixed asset type:
Owned share– Enter the share of the asset owned by the company.
Land tax exemption (art. 387)– Select the benefit code (art. 387) for tax accounting.
Land tax exemption (art. 395)– Select the benefit codes (art. 395) for tax accounting.
Land tax privilege as non-taxable part– Select the land tax privilege as non-taxable part of the ground area.
Non-taxable area part– The tax privilege value of the ground area share is displayed.
Click the Structuretab to view the structure of multipurpose fixed assets.
In the Main assetfield, select a fixed asset code, if the asset is included in the structure of another fixed asset.
In the FA structurefield, all the fixed asset codes that have a reference to the asset are displayed in the Main fixed assetfield.
Click the Purchase/Saletab to view the purchase and sales of fixed assets.
Click Value Modelsto open the FA value modelsform. You must create a value model for each asset, and the settings are used to register a transaction.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the Value modelfield, select the model code for the asset.
In the Depreciation groupfield, select the depreciation group within the value model that the fixed asset belongs to.
The fixed asset number is displayed in the FA numberfield.
In the Depreciation methodfield, select the depreciation profile of the fixed asset.
The value specified for the depreciation group is displayed by default.
In the Posting profilefield, select the posting profile used in the value model.
The value based on the value model settings is displayed by default.
In the Putting into operation amountfield, enter the acquisition amount paid for the fixed asset.
If an asset purchase transaction is created, the transaction amount is displayed without taxes. If the fixed asset acquisition currency differs from the currency set up for this value model, the currencies are converted on the acquisition date.
In the Date of depreciation beginningfield, select the date when depreciation accrual is to begin.
By default, the period that follows the period of acquisition is displayed.
In the Currencyfield, select a current currency code for the value model of the asset.
The default currency from the value model settings is displayed.
In the Remainders cost after writing downfield, enter the dismantling cost for the fixed asset after write-off.
If a value is displayed in this field, the book value that is used in the depreciation calculation will be deducted with it. After a write-off transaction is created, an amount equal to the Remainders cost after writing downcan be posted to the inventory or the general ledger account.
Clear the Don't lockcheck box to exclude the current depreciation transactions for the asset from calculation. By default, the check box is selected.
In the Last depreciation date, Disposal dateand Disposal costfields, the last depreciation date, disposal date, and cost are automatically displayed when depreciation and write-off transactions are created.
Click the Dimensiontab, and select the default finance dimension codes that will be registered in transactions for the asset.
Click the Leasetab.
In the Posting profilefield, select the posting profile used for a fixed asset loan.
In the FA on loan dimensionfield group, select the dimension codes used when accounting for transactions, if this fixed asset is leased.
The Lendingcheck box is selected if a leasing transaction is created for a fixed asset in this value model.
Click Depreciation accountsto open the Depreciation accountsform.
Configure the fixed asset depreciation posting amount for the general ledger accounts in the required proportions; for example, to calculate the depreciation on a building used for various purposes.
Click Copy FAto create a new record and copy the asset record.
The selected fixed asset will be copied with all its parameters, but with a different inventory number. You can only copy asset records that are entered into groups that are configured for automatic inventory numbering. The new asset record is created in the Fixed assetsform.
Close the Depreciation accountsand FA value modelsforms.
Press CTRL+S or close the Fixed assetsform.