According to the Estonian Accounting Act, all company credit notes should display the original invoice number for the transaction. You can set up a credit invoice layout that is specific to Estonia, which includes a field that displays the original invoice number.

Note Note

For more information, see " (EST) Create an invoice for the sale of a fixed asset".

  1. Click Accounts receivable> Common Forms> Free Text Invoice Detailsto open the Free text invoiceform.

  2. Press CTRL+N and enter the required details for the customer, to create a new free text invoice.

    Note Note

    For more information, see the section "Free text invoice (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.

  3. Click Functions> Create credit noteto open the Create credit noteform.

    Note Note

    For more information, see the section "Create credit notes" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.

  4. Select the Create corrective linescheck box to add new original invoice lines along with credit lines to the credit note.

  5. On the Invoicetab, select the Markfield to add all the invoice lines to the credit note.

    Note Note

    Clear the Markfield to prevent the journal invoice lines from being credited.

  6. Click OKto add the selected lines to the invoice and return to the Free text invoiceform.

  7. Click Posting> Free text invoiceto open the Post free text invoiceform.

  8. Select the Print invoicecheck box, and then click OKto post and print the credit note. You can view the original invoice number in the Main invoice no.field in the header section of the printed invoice.

See Also