Analysis codes are defined for use in calculating the depreciation accrual for a fixed asset.
Click Fixed assets> Setup> Analysis codesto open the Analysis codesform.
On the left pane, press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the Analysis codefield, enter the analysis code.
In the Namefield, enter a description of the analysis code.
In the Depreciation groupfield, select a depreciation group.
In the Depreciation typefield, select the depreciation type from the following options:
On cost- The analysis code is applied to all fixed assets excluding vehicular fixed assets.
On 1000 km mileage- The analysis code is applied to vehicular fixed assets.
On the right pane, press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the Start datefield, specify the date when the depreciation rate becomes active.
In the Depreciation ratefield, enter the annual depreciation rate as a percentage.
In the Factorfield, enter the factor by which the specified depreciation rate is increased or decreased from the fixed value that is defined by the Russian Federation legislation for a fixed asset group.