Fixed assets> Setup> Analysis codes

Use this form to create analysis codes for fixed assets.

Analysis codes are used in the depreciation accrual calculation for a fixed asset. You can set up an annual depreciation rate to be applied to the fixed assets or to a depreciation group.

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

The following table provides descriptions for the controls in this form.




Analysis codes

Enter an analysis code.


Enter the name of the analysis code.

Depreciation group

Select the depreciation group of the tax value model for the analysis code.

Depreciation type

Select the type of depreciation from the following options:

  • On cost– This analysis code is applied to all fixed assets excluding vehicular fixed assets.

  • On 1000 km mileage- The analysis code is applied to vehicular fixed assets.

Start date

Select the date when the depreciation rate becomes active.

Depreciation rate

Enter the fixed asset depreciation rate for the year as a percentage.


Enter the factor by which the specified depreciation rate is increased or decreased from the fixed value that is defined by Russian Federation legislation for the fixed asset group.