You can calculate depreciation for fixed assets with an Openstatus for periods in which depreciation has not yet been posted.
Depreciation amounts are calculated according to the following formulas:
Depreciation amount for a period = (Net book value * Percentage) / (100 * Period type).
Depreciation amount for non-cost part = Cost limit * Depreciation amount for period / Net book value.
Journal lines are created with a depreciation transaction type according to the number of depreciation periods in the calculating interval. If the cost limit amount is set for the value model, transactions with a non-cost part type are generated.
This amount will be adjusted further with the non-cost part amount.
Depreciation amount for period = Depreciation amount for period – Depreciation amount for non-cost part.
Depreciations for all fixed assets can be calculated and posted in one single operation.
Click General ledger> Journals> Fixed assets> Linesto open the Journal voucherform.
Click Proposals> Depreciation proposalto open the Depreciation proposalform.
In the To datefield, enter the date through which depreciation is calculated.
Select the Summarize depreciationcheck box to summarize all monthly depreciation into one journal line for a single fixed asset or value model.
For more information, see "Depreciation proposal (form)" in the Applications and Business Processes Help.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.