Click Fixed assets> Setup> Parametersto open the Fixed Asset Parametersform.
In the Base value modeland Tax value modelfields, select the value models for accounting and tax business functions, respectively.
In the Minimum depreciationfield, enter the minimum depreciation amount when depreciating a fixed asset with the Reducing remaindermethod.
Select the Allow multiple putting into operationcheck box to enter multiple acquisitions.
If this check box is selected, you can register multiple acquisition transactions for a fixed asset. This allows you to register changes in the cost of the asset over time.
Select the Require reasons for asset changescheck box if a reason must be entered to explain changes in depreciation.
Select the appropriate reason codes and move them from the Not requiredlist to the Requiredlist.
Select the Autonumeration FAcheck box to activate automatic numbering.
Select the Barcode equals FA numbercheck box to automatically assign bar codes for fixed asset numbers.
If this check box is selected, a bar code number that is the same as the fixed asset number will be automatically generated for the fixed asset and displayed in the Fixed assetsform.
Select the Autonumeration barcodescheck box to activate automatic numbering of bar codes with a number series.
This check box is not activated, if Barcode equals FA numbercheck box is selected.
Select the Association with warehousecheck box to establish correspondence between the inventory item and the asset number.
If this check box is selected, each item unit of the fixed asset type in the inventory is counted as one fixed asset.
In the Round-offfield, enter the value by which transaction amounts must be rounded for accounting purposes.
In the Posting profilefield, select the default posting profile to be used if no posting profile is specified for the value models.
In the Languagefield, select a language for the fixed asset documents.
In the Reservationfield, select Manual, Automatic, or Explosionto specify the type of reservation of items during assembly or disassembly of a fixed asset.
Click the Tax accountstab, and then, in the Sales tax codefield, select values for Assessed tax, Transport tax, and Land tax.
In the Compressionfield, select the level of compression from the following options:
Tax– When you create a fixed asset tax journal in the ledger, the detailing of the journal lines is generated according to the tax codes.
Total– When you generate transactions in the fixed asset tax journal in the ledger, the total of the transactions is generated without detailing according to the tax codes.
On the Documenttab in the Document locationfield, select the folder where the fixed asset documents are to be saved.
On the Dimensionstab, select the financial dimension codes for the fixed asset transactions.
On the Document typestab, select a number series for the various types of fixed asset documents.
On the Number sequence codetab, select a number series for the various fixed asset references, such as FA number, Bar code, FA revaluation, FA inventory, FA transfer, Writing off on lifetime, and Assessed tax register journal number.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.